

A Filipino for Palestine

As a Filipino, the struggle of Palestine for independence strongly resonates with me. Being used as a pawn by regional powers;...

Atomic Bombs, Cryogenics & Jorge Luis Borges: The Aesthetic Appeal of Science

I've been reading a lot of comic books recently. I've always been a fan of comic books, but there are a...

My Body is Not Mine

We are in bed, spooning like lovers although we’re not. He is resting his cheek on my shoulder, creating some contrast...

The Business of Particle Smashing: Collaboration and the Creation of New Technologies

*Reflections from CERN Philippines School If you have read or watched Angels and Demons, you must have heard of the research facility called CERN....

I Say “No” to Fat Acceptance

What's so Wrong with Fat Shaming?    There's something wrong with shaming, in general. I'm going to make the assumption that everyone is...

A Rational Approach to Jealousy

I'm going to start out with some bad news. Dear reader, you're not as rational as you think (that, or I'm...

The Irrationality of “Utang na Loob”

I. Invisible Debt There is a uniquely Filipino concept that is often brought up when a person's relationship with his or her...

People with High Self-Esteem are More Likely to be Assholes

There is a general opinion that people with high self-esteem live happier lives and are less susceptible to depression should they face...

The Scientific Method and the Thrill of the Hunt

*Reflections from CERN Philippines School Two years ago, the world was rocked by the news of a certain ‘God particle’ or the Higgs...

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