

Gather ’round kids, it’s time for math!

Mathematics is for everyone. Really. This article ( and the succeeding ones in the series) aims to prove that point. That everyone...

Of things concerning rock, paper, scissors, and other weapons

One of the common ways to decide things, or to just have fun with just your body parts is using the...

Will to be Whole

Oh you being of the heavens, I am praying In the middle of the battlefield of my soul I am crying, can you...

I Just Want Him Safe

I call to you to keep him safe Are you listening to me? I want you watching him Because I can't I'm just a helpless...


I don't even know you're there But somehow you show me that you care Forsaken - what I ought to be Yet without you...


Why do people believe in ghosts? You'd think that if they'd existed all these thousands of years, someone somewhere would've been able to get positive proof. Yet all we've come up with so far are a million anecdotes and those "reality" ghost shows, which are basically just footage of a bunch of idiots running around in a dark house and asking one another, "Did you hear that? Did you see that?" Yet a lot of people still believe they exist. And not just ghosts, but manananggal, tiyanak, mangkukulam, and a host of other supernatural beings.

Sina B1 at B2: A conversation on contraception

Disclaimer: All characters and events in this post --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All prophetic dialogue is...

Which Religion Should You Follow?

This is just too cool to resist posting. (via Holy Taco, link from The Friendly Atheist)

Review: Spring Awakening

The Manila run of the Tony-award winning musical Spring Awakening has just come to a conclusion. Even after the cast makes...

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