Join us for the sixth #FeministFridays workshop on Friday, October 9. This is the last workshop for this series where we’ll discuss the concept of body autonomy. Let’s have difficult conversations, including sex work, abortion, and other controversial issues. Let’s also talk about the effects of stigma and discrimination on the people who choose to exercise their right to choose, as well as start talking about constructive ways forward. Catch Sharmila Parmanand and Atty. Clara Rita Padilla talk about these difficult topics!
Register at https://bit.ly/FeministFridays6
#FeministFridays is a series of six workshops every Friday, 3pm-5pm, on some of the basic issues of feminism. It aims to help young Filipino feminists and allies as they carve their path in advocacy and decide on which issues they want to focus on.
#FeministFridays is brought to you by Filipino Freethinkers and Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) and done in partnership with The Sanctuary Project.