Why the RH Bill is bad: The Real Truth behind the Supposed Truth about the RH Bill

I used to support the RH Bill. I no longer do. By the end of this document, neither would you. I have not supported the RH Bill since I attended a lecture in Megamall about the truth behind it. That lecture truly enlightened me. My only hope is that this holy light of enlightenment passes through your monitor screen, into your optical nerves, and into your heart so it can touch your soul (because the soul is in the heart). My intent here is not to antagonize Pro-RH people, but to enlighten – so listen up, you narrow-minded morons. Open your minds to the real truth…

The RH Bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction, because, at its very core, the RH Bill is an extension of a secret, global conspiracy – a western attempt – to implement principles of eugenics on unsuspecting, inferior populations in order to exclude them from the human evolutionary process, at the end of which would, at the apex, summon forth THE MASTER RACE. Anyone who failed to see this after the lecture is ignorant. I advise him or her to do his or her research, better yet, do some soul-searching to discover the real truth, because the truth is in our hearts, we just have to listen to it.

Initially, my layman’s interpretation of the RH Bill led me to think that it was just a bill meant to help educate the uninformed about ways to prevent them from fornicating their way to a very bad financial situation. My ignorant mind devised 10 simple points as to why the RH Bill was right.

I thought:

1. The minimum wage – the lowest an employer can pay an employee – of a non-agricultural Filipino worker is P404.

2. If there were 20 working days in a month (because most people don’t work on the weekend), the average minimum-wage-earning Filipino would earn around P8,000 a month.

3. Let’s call that person, Joey. If Joey, like other human beings, ate food on a regular basis, he will spend around P70/day on food (and that’s a very, very conservative assumption). There are 30 days in a month, so I guess, that would amount to P2,100 a month.

4. But if Joey had a wife that he loved, he might want to feed her too. Feeding her would cost another P2,100 a month.

5. P8,000 – P4,200 = P3,800

6. If Joey and his wife rented a home, or used electricity and bathed from time to time, the amount left from Joey’s salary would be significantly reduced. Let’s say their utility bills and rent amounted to P1800.

7. P3,800 – P1800 = P2,000

8. P2,000 is a lot of money, but I don’t think Joey and his wife should have more than 3 children, right? I mean, I don’t have children, but just by looking at one, I can safely assume that they cost more than P1,000/month. Babies need milk, diapers, toys, immunity injections, baby medicine…

9. From this I deduced that babies cost money. If babies cost money, I theorized that having more babies would cost more money. And from this data, I observed that a person who spent a lot of money on children, but didn’t earn a lot of money, would soon be broke and unable to provide for both himself and his children. Another word for this broke situation is poverty.

10. I theorized that a person can avoid being poor by making less babies. So, I thought that steps should be taken to inform people about this very little known fact. I also thought that the government should make contraceptives accessible so that people who don’t earn a lot can properly manage the little resources that they have. That’s why I supported the RH Bill.

But now I know that I was wrong. And here are some of the reasons why I know that. By the way, before I continue, I must say that this is the truth, guys. In fact, it’s more than the truth. It’s the Catholic truth, which means that it’s truer and more true than the regular truth.

I know that the issue of the RH Bill is not a religious issue, but make sure you pay attention if you want your soul to be saved. Here are some of the things I learned from the lecture I learned:


“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated.”

I agree. I, myself, have observed that the Philippine is NOT overpopulated. In fact, if you use your common sense and think about it, you will realize a few things:

1. We are not overpopulated! Look at the mountains, the jungles, the caves and the ocean floor. There are no people there!

2. If we were really overpopulated, we would have trouble travelling. But if you go to EDSA, there’s no traffic. When you ride the MRT, it’s not packed with people.

3. Students in public schools are well educated because the teacher to student ratio is very low. In fact, because of our low population the government can basically guarantee that all public school students are provided books, notebooks and other school supplies.



“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women.”

1. I agree, the RH Bill is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose – the uninterrupted production of healthy babies.

2. Furthermore, the role of women in society and the universe is to make babies. That’s why God made women. That’s their sole purpose in life. They’re not good for anything else. Ever wonder why there are no women in the clergy? Because they’re not good enough.

3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses. That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege.

4. Women should get pregnant every single time they have sex and only immoral women enjoy sex without the possibility of conception. In fact, a better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by Mother Mary – to learn how to conceive without having sex.



“The RH bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction!”

1. I agree. If we pass the RH bill, we will become extinct, like dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are all dead. If we don’t want to be extinct, we should not pass the RH Bill. I mean, do you really want to be a dinosaur?

2. In my opinion, it wouldn’t even be far-fetched to speculate that the most probable reason the dinosaurs became extinct was because they used contraceptives.

3. Population decline is just bad for nations. Just look at the countries which have a declining population – Italy, Japan and Singapore. They’re in such a bad shape. The Philippines obviously has a better economy and has a higher literacy rate than these countries. In fact, many Italians, Japanese, and Singaporeans go to the Philippines for work. That only goes to show that a decline in population is bad for the economy.



“Our population is our biggest asset!”

1.  In my opinion, people should make as many babies as they can because the population is not a problem. In fact, the more babies a person has, the more assets he has. Forget real estate properties, stock investments, or Jollibee franchises. The real secret to increased wealth is babies.

2. If you have 15 babies, you’re practically wealthy because babies are assets:

2.1 If you need money, you can sell them.

2.2 If you can keep them alive until they can walk, they can one day beg for money in the streets – they’re going to have to anyway because there’s no way in hell you’ll be able to provide for all of them on your own.

3. If ever a person is not able to feed the 15 babies he made, it’s the governments fault, because it’s the governments sole responsibility to make sure that every Filipino baby is fed.

4. The best way a person can contribute to his country is to contribute to its population.


“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that reproductive education and contraceptives will effectively reduce cases of abortion.”

1. Reproductive/contraceptive education will have no effect on the number of abortion cases. In my opinion, these abortion cases will not lessen because women will continue to have abortions regardless of whether they are pregnant or not.

2. Abortions cannot be prevented. It’s just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for example.


“The RH Bill is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex.

1. By approving the RH Bill, we as a nation, are practically encouraging our people to engage in immoral activities.

2. We must protect our moral values and reject the RH Bill. Because, currently, not a single Filipino engages in pre-marital sex or extra-marital sex. As soon as this bill is approved, Filipino people will run the streets naked and start a national orgy!

3. The root cause of extra-marital and pre-marital sex is one’s exposure to contraceptives. There is just something in contraceptives that people find very arousing.

4. In Western countries, men lure strange women into bed by showing them condoms.

5. If we ban condoms, absolutely no one would engage in pre-marital or extra-marital sex.


“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that parents don’t teach their children about sex.”

1. The truth is that parents talk to their children about sex all the time. It’s so not awkward. The dad usually tells his children how he takes off all his clothes, does a sexy Tiger growl and makes sweet, sweet music with their mother’s body.

2. Also, a father usually advises his daughter that if she’s going to have sex with her boyfriend, she should use a condom. Sometimes the father even drives the daughter to the boyfriend’s house and waits for the couple to finish.

3. Filipino daughters don’t have sex without the father’s permission. Unwanted pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. That’s why we do not need the RH Bill.


“The RH Bill is a conspiracy.”

1. It’s lies, all lies!


“The RH Bill is wrong because the priest said so, and priests are never wrong.”

The biggest reason why we should not pass the RH Bill is because the priests told us that we shouldn’t. As anyone should know, priests, men of the clergy, should be the authority on sexual and reproductive matters because they have the most knowledge and experience with sex and reproduction. They are true sexperts – legendary masters of erotic affairs. If you are a real Catholic, you would do everything they say, because they’re always right.


  1. I thought this was real, for a while. Because scarily enough, some people actually are stupid enough to think that way.

    And that ProRHBill commenter…I'm sorry. That was a big fail at attempting satire. Because Pro-RH Bill people don't actually claim any of those things. Can't make fun of someone who didn't say what you're making fun of them for saying.

  2. hahaha! ang funny. sarcastic ba talaga to? haha. okay. best line: “The RH Bill is wrong because the priest said so, and priests are never wrong.” :))

  3. I think article was based on these. Check them out:

    Tastebuds, Tsunamis, and the Thorough Twisting of Truth: A Recap of the Anti-RH Forum at SM Megamall (1 of 3 Parts): https://filipinofreethinkers.org/2011/05/02/tasteb….

    Tastebuds, Tsunamis, and the Thorough Twisting of Truth: A Recap of the Anti-RH Forum at SM Megamall (2 of 3 Parts): https://filipinofreethinkers.org/2011/05/03/tasteb….

    Tastebuds, Tsunamis, and the Thorough Twisting of Truth: A Recap of the Anti-RH Forum at SM Megamall (3 of 3 Parts): https://filipinofreethinkers.org/2011/05/04/tasteb….

  4. If the Filipino readers do not even have an ounce of humor in them to think this was made to be a satirical commentary, then the author's point just proved to be one hundred percent effective.

  5. dapat talaga magkaroon ng RH bill. para ikaw ay magcontraceptives na. please don't babies.

  6. I never realized this was only a satire until I read the "sexpert" thing- and that's on the last part!
    I kept on disagreeing what he was saying! Ahhahhaha


  8. The article pala was based on these! Marami dun sa mga naka-bold na text sa article dito kinuha sa mga video na 'to:

    Tastebuds, Tsunamis, and the Thorough Twisting of Truth: A Recap of the Anti-RH Forum at SM Megamall (1 of 3 Parts): https://filipinofreethinkers.org/2011/05/02/tasteb

    Tastebuds, Tsunamis, and the Thorough Twisting of Truth: A Recap of the Anti-RH Forum at SM Megamall (2 of 3 Parts): https://filipinofreethinkers.org/2011/05/03/tasteb

    Tastebuds, Tsunamis, and the Thorough Twisting of Truth: A Recap of the Anti-RH Forum at SM Megamall (3 of 3 Parts): https://filipinofreethinkers.org/2011/05/04/tasteb

  9. Ang paliwanagan niyo about "sarcasm" ay yung mga hindi nakagets. Huwag niyong pagsabihan yung mga nagdedebate about the actual issue, kasi hindi naman "sarcasm" lang ang point ng article, kasi malamang kaya na namin pinag-uusapan yung RH Bill ay dahil nagets naming satire siya, at ang satire ay may karugtong na social relevance kaya siya sinulat in the fist place. Yan lang naman ang gusto kong sabihin, kung bakit ba pinapaikut-ikot ng maraming tao.

    • Kung di niyo alam kung bakit ko sinabi to in the first place, wag na lang kayong magcomment because this post is meant for the ones na mas inintinding barahin kami kesa unawain yung mga sinasabi natin.

      Shit I'm actually pleading. Pero it's for your own good.

  10. I am against RH bill, but try to consider revising these ideas you have stressed in your article:

    “The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated.”

    “Our population is our biggest asset!”
    1. In my opinion, people should make as many babies as they can because the population is not a problem. In fact, the more babies a person has, the more assets he has. Forget real estate properties, stock investments, or Jollibee franchises. The real secret to increased wealth is babies.
    2. If you have 15 babies, you’re practically wealthy because babies are assets:

    First of all, Philippines is becoming overpopulated. You have mentioned that there are no people in the mountains, forests, seas. Well, of course, those mountains are preserved, who would want to cut those trees, shift from agricultural lands to industrial or residential areas? That would produce another problem. This is not a good point to fight against the RH Bill. Second, would you consider babies as assets? I don't think so. Talking about practicality, families would have 2-4 siblings only. We're already in 21st century civilization, not 19's or 18's. We need to control population in order to survive, and technology is there to aid us.

    I can say that your article is sarcastic. You're just making things worse.

      • Yan yung ina-argue ko against sa pagspread nung article eh… nawawala yung sense ng site. Biruin mo pag diniscuss yung issue at hand sasabihan ka ng "tanga, sarcastic nga to eh, wag mong seryosohin, bobo ka ba?" na parang ang main issue ay ang pagkakasulat sa article at hindi yung sinulat mismo sa article. Oo alam naming satire siya. Pero ang gagawan lamang ng satire ay pressing issues. Otherwise, naging comedy lang yung article sa taas kung walang substance. Ang substance na iyon ang pinagdedebatehan namin.

        Sorry, nangaral ako ulit, pero… this is not about if it is satire or not. It is about the RH Bill. Move on good people. Move on.

        @DOGMA sorry kasi sa post mo pa ako nagreply para pangaralan ang mga tao. haha.

        • eh kasi anu anu pinopost. nalilito yung mga tao….nawawalan ng kwenta yung site sa mga bobong isinusulat ng mga writer na nagpapagulo.

          • Well, that, but I believe it was because this article became viral, and thus accessible to everybody, most of whom haven't even heard of the FF and its goals anyway. Kinaaasar ko lang kasi pag "nagpakaseryoso" ka dito, which is another term for critical thinking, sasabihan kang walang sense of humor.

            Hindi porket categorized to under "humor" ay tatawa na lang tayo sa pressing issue sa society natin. Ang pagtatawanan natin ay yung article, hindi yung issue ng RH Bill.

  11. it's a big joke…. congrats to the author. . .you've manipulated the minds of your reader. . . .LOL….. . hahahahahaha

  12. Nakakatawa lang at ang daming nagsasabing bobo ang nag sulat na to. Di nila alam na sila ang bobo dahil nahulog sila sa patibong hahaha! Obvoius troll is very obvious pero good job! Natawa ako dun hahaha!

  13. This article of yours is so WRONG! I dont support RH Bill but what you have said is a total subjective mess. You said that we can sell babies. God, who on Earth would agree that selling babies is better than this Bill. And what conspiracy are you talking about?!You also said that priest are never wrong, that is a bullshit. They are maniac and always wrong. I think you are a priest that is why.

  14. I think this is a very smart way of putting most (if not all) of the arguments against the RH Bill out there. Best way to defeat an argument is to point out the flawed logic behind it, and this piece definitely did just that, without having to resort to technical terms used by rhetoricians.

    I completely agree with the writer on this.

    @JuanTalino — I understand your point; I’ve read the proposed bill, too. However, don’t you think that the potential for corruption is greatly outweighed by our necessity to educate our people regarding their own bodies? While it pains me to say this because I had hoped that we’d be better than this by now, there are actually some women who get pregnant without knowing the cause. It’s something so basic to us, but not everyone is as privileged to have access to such information. A househelper we had even believed that it was possible to get pregnant only a month AFTER coitus, and not immediately after. This is a reality, and the need therefore for information is crucial. And granted that there are other ways of educating people, the education aspect is not the entirety of the goal of the RH Bill. There’s also freedom of choice, especially with their own bodies. I disagree when you said that women only have children because they want to; some are victims of marital rape or merely consent to the sexual acts (out of fear, perhaps, of getting beaten black and blue) but are not willing to bear children at all. The bill will also be for women empowerment, because it enables women to enjoy sex without having to worry about the consequences of bearing a child, therefore putting them in the same footing as men in this aspect. And why would it be wrong to give these away for free? Condoms can be pricey, even the cheapest ones, if you don’t even have enough money to get by. And honestly, I think that those who do need the RH Bill the most would rather spend their money on alcohol and cigarettes than on condoms at this point. After all, if it’s the men who are handling the money (and they most often are, in those demographics), would they really buy something that would barely affect them, except perhaps to curb the sensation they’re looking for in the first place? They wouldn’t, because they likely wouldn’t see the point. The RH Bill would provide women with the power to take what they need without needing their partner’s help or consent.

    And in the end, this really is a woman’s problem. It’s the women who bear the children; it’s the women who are being withheld information from and being withheld freedom from. They lose the freedom to do what they will with their own bodies, by withholding them the simple question of whether or not they should be able to take precautionary measures against pregnancy. Why do they have to ask for this service? (And this may sound completely unrelated, but males have the ‘libreng tuli’ projects and nobody’s making an issue of that. Have you asked yourselves why? Why is it that people just agree that men can feel free to cut off parts of their own penises for both traditional and medical reasons and women can’t even use contraceptives because it defies only tradition? Point being: it’s the double standard talking.)

    What the RH Bill boils down to is should women be given the freedom over their own bodies in making the decision of using contraceptives? Corollary to this is, should the State provide them with means to enable them in doing so? @eabaguioro, it would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL NOT TO. Article II Sec. 14 of the same Constitution declares it to be so. Equality of freedom between women and men. The only way I can even imagine Sec 12 coming into the picture is by bringing in the abortion argument which was clearly rebutted by the writer’s article

  15. sige… let's see when the RH bill is passed… then, after 20 years, we are heading to a demographic winter… and I would like to see if you can still laugh your a** off with your satire. 🙂

    • Demographic winter? What is that?

      Satire is born out a dark hatred or passion. You want to murder the idiots but write instead.

      Reflect on the points made by the article, I think they're golden.

  16. Awesome satire there! Keep it up! I just wonder why so many posters could not see the satire in the article. Has our educational system gone awry?

  17. Unfortunately, some Filipinos have no value for sarcastic/satirical prose. And that is just so sad, because satire is one of the best ways to drive a point.

  18. One of the worst reads ever. So lame, stupid, and very much unrealistic. First of all, the points he wrote are so sarcastic, and the way he delivers them in statements are such a bore, yet a pain in the neck. Second, his points does not in any way reflect what our country is going through right now. Third, I don't think religion/spirituality should only be the basis for moral values and overall well-being of people. That's why there is the government who makes all the laws, which is very much applicable to most, if not all constituents. Don't always blame the government for anything bad happening to you. It's not always their fault. Although, they made a bad move by teaching you the worst English ever, if ever you went to a public school. Moron!

  19. If ever there is a law that's gonna be passed to address stupidity in the Philippines, they could use this article's comment section to strengthen their bill. Statistically, their numbers cannot be ignored. I am sure these people are in need of educational redemption rather than sexual intervention

  20. church and politics, ang dalawang bagay na khit kailan d mu pwedeng ipagsabay.

    kailan pba mkaka realize ang mga pinoy na kailangan na ipatupad ang RH bill?

  21. The point is, your points/ thoughts in your article are pointless. I am not a pro RH Bill, however I appreciate the effort of the government on thinking of ways on how to atleast reduce poverty.

    • ketaas ng pride netong winston dumas. ayaw paawat. tsong, obviously, lahat ng sinulat sa piece na to e kabaligtaran ng realidad. the opposites of what has been written in the article are the ones which have factual basis. So what kung taga anakbayan ka? it doesnt hurt to admit na mali ka. kahit sang anggulo mo tingnan, mali tlga yung comment mo so stop defending as if magiging tama un.

      • "tsong, obviously, lahat ng sinulat sa piece na to e kabaligtaran ng realidad. the opposites of what has been written in the article are the ones which have factual basis." – THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!

        At sinong nagsabing taga-Anakbayan ako? Sinabi ko nga hindi ako either pro- or anti-communist, just for their right to speak. Di naman ako yung nagpost ng mga data eh, dinedefend ko lang kasi karamihan ng mga against sa comment niya hindi naman vinerify kung tama o mali yung data niya.

        Lastly, hindi sa mataas ang pride ko, pero gusto ko lang kasing i-point out yung side ko. Di ko naman kayo pinaniniwala eh, pinakikinig lang. Well kung ayaw niyong makinig, take heart na ang pagcomment ko sa inyo means pinakinggan ko punto niyo.

  22. Satire? What does a man with goat-legs have to do with this truly enlightening and inspiring article? Also, pro-RH people are poopyheads.

    (I hate that I have to explain this, but for the sake of clarity…this IS sarcasm. Boo, now it's less funny)

  23. Ang pinakanakakalungkot na bagay na napagtanto ko mula sa pagbasa ng mga punang ginawa ng mga mambabasa sa artikulong ito ay ang elitismo na naghahari sa ating mga Filipino. Sige na, alam ko na may mga hindi nakaintindi na isa itong artikulo na ginawa na may bahid ng paguuyam pero hindi naman natin kailangang umasta na para bang napakatalino natin dahil naintindihan natin ang intensyon ng manunulat na si dustin_celestino (Kudos sa iyo dustin). Maaari naman nating ipaliwanag ng mabuti ang ibig iparating sa atin ng manunulat sa mabuting paraan. Hindi naman natin kailangang mangutya sa ating kapwa Filipino, kung hindi, mas mainam na ipaliwanag ng mabuti at sa maayos na paraan na walang halong pambabastos. Sabi nga ng isang kakilala ko tungkol sa artikulo na ito, "The comments section is not about the article itself, it's about elitism."

    • Hindi naman lahat ay bastos mangaral about "satire" or whatever man yung hindi naintindihan. Ang problema lang kasi ay mas marami yung mga crude mangaral so natatabunan yung mga matitinong post. I hope you see where I am getting to

      • Oo, 'di ko naman sinasabi na lahat ay bastos mangaral, pero ang nakakalungkot ay karamihan sa mga nangaral ay bastos. I do see where you're getting to. And I agree with what you're saying.

    • you're right potchi, thanks for the very wise correction.. i haven't posted a reply yet but similar things were running through my head… your post made me realize na di na tayo dapat nagugulat sa dami ng hindi makaka 'gets' ng isang satirical piece tulad nito… we don't need to demean people, tayong mas nakaka intindi ang dapat umunawa rin sa karamihan na kulang sa edukasyon at exposure…

    • You're part of the cultural elite as well and it seems that you're being apologetic for the author for *elitism.

      Ask yourself why you think we have to be nice, "Hindi naman natin kailangan mangutya sa ating kapwa Filipino." Fine, you love your people, but ask yourself why? Is this love genuine?

      Being flowery and poetic and conservative about it is nice, but now is the time for satire and emotion and passion!

      • what exactly do you mean by my being a cultural elite? how so? and yes, my love for the Filipinos is genuine cause i'm a Filipino, there's nothing wrong with loving your country. i don't think i have to be nice, i'm just saying what i feel towards the reactions of the people who understood the point of the article towards those who did not. i'm not being flowery/poetic/conservative about it, in fact, i believe i made my point in a concise manner so that those who read my post will get my message right away.

      • Well, I guess it's in the interpretation of the reader bakit mo nasabi yan. What you give as an example speaks of you. Therefore kapag siguro nagsalita ka ng Tagalog ng katulad ni Potchi, at nangaral at nagbahagi ng saloobin tulad ng ganyan, masasabi mo sa sarili mo na elitista ka din. Kani-kaniyang interpretasyon lang yan. Hindi naman talaga natin malalaman kung nagpapaka elitista talaga siya unless we talked to the writer of the comment. Baka nga mamaya sabihin mo nagpapaka-elitista ako ngayon eh. :))

    • may tama ka….pero hindi mo ba naisip na ito ay nababasa ng maraming tao at sa buong mundo. nakikita nila kung gaano ka-tanga at bobo ang mga pilipino. makitid ang utak nitong taong to….sana bago tayo mag-post ng mga isunulat natin, isipin din kung panu maapektohan ang buong pilipino dahil sa mali ng isa. nakuha mo? kaya nga may mga head writter sa mga news at mga dyaryo para nagbabasa bago ilathala sa madla. etong taong to ay kulang sa pansin at gusto niyang sumikat. kasi sa panahon ngayon hindi mo na kailangan maging matalino o may pinag-aralan ka. basta maging sikat ka lng sa internet, artista ka na at ibabalita ka na sa tv.

      • may mali sa comment mo, hindi mo nintindihan ang sinabi ni potchi. ang pagiging elitista nga ng mga Filipino ang nais niyang iparating at tignan mo ang comment mo, punung-puno ng elitismo.


  25. this is just stupid. most of the reasons that you've presented contradict facts, most specifically statistics. I'm against the rh-bill but what you've just written here is just a bunch of assumptions without any support of evidence, or atleast some sort of research whatsoever. I'm against the RH-bill because this is a moral issue.

    Just kindly delete this post. It's insulting to even think that anyone would buy your logic.

    Last two things: Priests are not always right because they're still human beings but it doesn't mean that I'm not on their side.

    And we're no dinosaurs.

    • I'm sorry but I really have to say this.. you are so stupid. HE IS PRO RH BILL. PRO. PRO. PRO. 🙁 read it again, please. 🙁 I can't believe you took this seriously.

    • ..we don't need to repeat what the earlier visitors said, right?

      ..sir, this is a satirical piece intended to made the readers laugh their asses out..don't take this piece seriously..


    • another one..ganito na ba tlga kadami ang bobo sa pilipinas?!

      boy, basahin mo ulit ung article ha? wag ka basta basta magcocomment. please lang, dont be an embarrassment to the Philippines.

  26. hindi lang naman ganyan ang form ng sarcasm eh. Dude, its an art na, maraming variations. Kung pwede lang magkaroon ng PhD sa sarcasm, gagawin ko. Ang article na ito ay type ng sarcasm that you could not understand. Sorry bro……I know it's not your fault for being stupid

    • I was making a point man. Kung nandito ka two-three days ago maiintindihan mo kung bakit ko sinabi yan. Latebloomers nga naman oh, replying to old posts that they do not really understand.

    • At kaya ako nagbigay ng ganyang tipo ng sarcasm kasi may naoffend sa ginamit ko before, so pinaliwanag ko! Hindi naman siya against sa article itself! Sana binasa mo muna yung preceding comments.

  27. Rashine Palma, you are a prime example why the RH Bill needs to be passed IMMEDIATELY. Nakaka hiya ka.

  28. I think why people tend to take this article seriously is that they missed reading the genre of this article, which is, as written on the top of the page, is Humor. This is a satire, and a good read at that.

  29. Come on people. Do NOT over react if you can't comprehend that this is a satire. My goodness (-_-) some people are taking this seriously to the point that they are even providing data to argue with the author. Come on use some brain here

  30. HAHAHAHA! Ang sarap mong sipain…. Yun lang ang masasabi ko dahil lahat nasabi na ng iba…

    • Pero I liked the satire… I enjoyed the sarcasm and everything opposite to the truth, and Filipinos compared to dinosaurs, that's totally outrageous…

  31. Sarcasm…I dont think we are rich. Compared to Austrailia which has $800+ billion GDP and a population ranging up to 22 million, Philippines has $300+ billion GDP and a population= 90+ million(so yeah,RH bill here we go!). haha funny article though!

  32. Try to give Mr. Goddy Priest a condom and see the look on his face. (Malay mo mag-iba isip, maging pro-RH na yun.) ROFL

  33. The Catholic Church is just afraid to lose their babies. Okay lang na maghirap ang maraming Katoliko wag lang mawalan ng Katoliko. Maeextinct kasi sila if the priests and nuns na lang ang matitira sa org nila 'cause malamang mg banal yung mga yun eh.

    Nasan na ang separation of church and state?

    Just pass the freaking bill already! Habang lumilipas ang panahon lalong dumarami ang naglalakbay sa kalsada… Wala ng matinong trabaho ngayon kung wala kang pinag aralan.

    (Opinyon lang to ah. Baka mamaya patayin niyo na ako eh. lmao)

    • True. Which saddens me. We as a people have lots of potential. Pero day one palang ng bansa para bang may premonition nang walang mangyayari satin…

      e.g. pinapatay si Bonifacio

      • It pains me to agree but it does seem to be the reality, given the academic debates we've had here (or the lack thereof) so far.:(


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