
Don’t Think, Just Obey: Progressive Nuns and the Primacy of Conscience

Despite disagreeing with bishops on almost every political issue of controversy -- contraception, LGBT rights, etc. -- many progressives maintain their...

Contraception, Corona, and Unimpeachable Dogma

The Hypothetical Case of Corona Imagine that by some miracle, the prosecution managed to provide overwhelming evidence that could convict Corona. But...

What Would a True Catholic Philippines Look Like?

Avoiding the unimpressive arguments for the existence of the specific Catholic flavor of Yahweh, let us, like millions of Filipinos, simply take this on faith. How would the much-desired fully-realized Catholic Nation of the Philippines look?

British Court: Catholic Priests Are Employees of the Catholic Church

Who is the boss of Catholic priests? The layman and the laity would answer without hesitation: the Catholic Church. But for...

Irish Government Closes Vatican Embassy

Due to cost-cutting, Ireland is closing their embassy in the Vatican because that diplomatic relation doesn't give Ireland an economic return though it probably does give an economic return to the Vatican.

Sin, Smallpox, and Sympathy: Why the Church Will Continue to Let Mothers Die

Because for these anti-RH conservative Catholics, protecting human lives is not as important as respecting God.

Primacy of Conscience in the Prison of the Church

Senator Miriam Santiago's theological argument for the Reproductive Health Bill relies on the Catholic doctrine called "primacy of conscience." But some...

Who I am Today

The nuns, rapture written all over their faces, some of them with tears streaming down their cheeks, continued to scream. Viva il Papa. Viva Il Papa. The only thing that popped into my mind was a quote: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

My Dear Catholic, Stop Being Catholic

My Dear Catholic, When an adult male has an overwhelming need to put his penis into the mouth, anus or vagina of...

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