
What If the Rapture Happened and Nobody Noticed?

It’s Monday now and no one seems to have noticed any mysterious disappearances involving people shooting up into the sky. Seems like the Rapture was a bust.

The Incredible Shrinking Mother Church

The Church is out of step with the Filipino people who have realized that compassion for those neglected by society is more virtuous than infantile and dogmatic obsessing over purity and virginity.

Dr. StrangeBrain, or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Lose My Religion.

Mike's note: while watching "Harapan" on ABS-CBN last night and surveying the faces in the anti-RH crowd, I spotted someone I...

The closest thing to objective moral values

The Christian apologist William Lane Craig says that certain actions like rape and torture are not just socially unacceptable behavior but...

Do objective moral values exist?

"If God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist," says an apologist. This will soon be followed by the contention that objective moral values do exist, leading to the inevitable conclusion that, well, God exists.

Women’s Day: 11 more women will die today

A hundred years after the first International Women's Day, Filipinas still do not have power over events only women face—risks...

Filipino Freethinkers Speak at DLSU

This past Thursday, February 3, Ryan Tani and Garrick Bercero of the Filipino Freethinkers were invited to lecture at the De La Salle University in Manila. Tani discussed the problem of evil and how it is inconsistent with the Christian God while Bercero spoke about how a godless morality is possible.

Altruism and the Evolution of Morality

One of the issues being debated by freethinkers is the source of our morality. Some atheists postulate that morality is just the product of evolution while agnostics point out that there are cases of altruistic human behavior that have nothing to do with propagating one's genes, and theists claim that our moral values must have therefore come from a Moral Lawgiver.

Evolution-based morals? Don't pick up the soap!

So I seem to have opened up a can of worms when I tried to point out the absence of empirical...

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