
Bishop Conflates Censorship with Secularism, Settles Nothing

In an article published in CBCP for Life, Bishop Broderick Pabillo said that the "church hierarchy is entitled to speak and...

Marriage Equality and the Unequal Society

Brace yourselves. Marriage Equality is coming. It's been happening all over the world recently, and it's only a matter of time...

“Your Mother Should Have Used RH,” Says BUHAY Spokesperson

I recorded this video interview with Frank when I got home from COMELEC before writing this post. Some details might be...

The Unborn Representatives: How BUHAY Makes a Mockery of the Party-List System

Note: Please also read how BUHAY responded to our opposition of their party-list accreditation in COMELEC. The party-list system of representation is...

Pro-RH Catholics: Please Create a Pro-RH Church

Dear Pro-RH Catholics, You've been asking the Vatican for pro-RH reforms for over four decades. During that time, your leader, the Pope,...

This Government is Brought to You by Catholicism

How much would it cost to advertise in government? The question is rhetorical, of course, because such a thing is not allowed, but just imagine for a moment that it were. What publicity a brand could gain from a single event!

A Firestorm from Tyrants: Why Rep. Palatino’s Bill Doesn’t Threaten Religious Freedom

When I read Cito Beltran's Philippine Star column criticizing Rep. Mong Palatino's recent bill, "The Religious Freedom in Government Offices Act,"...

Holy Hubris: Vatican Makes it Impossible for Jesus to Change the Church

This is not satire. Although it's the kind of news that is perfect for mocking the authoritarian nature of the Catholic...

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: The Lies of Ang ProLife

Red Tani called out Eric Manalang for lying at the Ang ProLife COMELEC party-list accreditation hearing. But don't just take his word for it. We've have video footage of the hearing.

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