Roman Catholic Church

CBCP: Church of the Poor or Conference of Pharisees?

Following the way of the Lord, we opt to be a Church of the Poor which demands evangelical poverty of us...

Billionaire Archbishop Holds Second Collection for Sendong Victims

Last night, Archbishop Luis Tagle ordered all priests, rectors, and chaplains in Manila to hold a second collection for the victims...

Anti-RH Facebook Page Lies About Their Lying

Yesterday, I wrote about how an anti-RH group tried to do a demonstration in SB park without a permit. An anti-RH...

Ten Commandments: Catholic vs. Protestant Versions

The Philippines won the Guiness record for having the largest Ten Commandments tablet. This shouldn't come as a surprise, considering that our country likes claiming to be one of the 'most Catholic' in the world. But will the Philippine Catholic hierarchy be happy and proud of this record? Probably not.

Michigan’s Religious Bullying Bill

With the reproductive health bill still stuck in legislation, our legislators need a lesson or two about religious freedom. But I...

British Court: Catholic Priests Are Employees of the Catholic Church

Who is the boss of Catholic priests? The layman and the laity would answer without hesitation: the Catholic Church. But for...

Sin, Smallpox, and Sympathy: Why the Church Will Continue to Let Mothers Die

Because for these anti-RH conservative Catholics, protecting human lives is not as important as respecting God.

Church Morality vs. Secular Morality: A Matter of Premise

In society, Church morality and secular morality often come into conflict with each other because their standards, and especially their underlying premises which dictate these standards, are as different as night and day.

Bound by Belief: Are Catholics Obliged to Obey?

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall...

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