
Prayer is No Substitute for Actually Doing Shit

At some point you've probably read an article somewhere where priests or religious people ask you to pray for a certain...

Is Faith Compatible With Science?

The existence of religious scientists only proves, as Sam Harris observes, that good ideas can live with bad ideas in the same head.

Missing the Point By a Mile

Session time is secular time is precious time. And I can't think of a worse way to defend secularism than to argue in favor of accommodating all forms of religious expression altogether. If the members of senate were diverse enough to belong to 10 different religious sects, I wonder how many would still be in favor of hearing each and every one of their prayers before settling down to finally do what their constituents are actually paying them to do.

My Life as a Minority in Asia’s Vatican City

Why can't we learn to respect each other's preferences? Are tolerance and respect such alien and difficult concepts that men who claim to be the arbiters of morality cannot comprehend them on any given level?

Another Prayer

If you respect the separation of church and state mandated by our Constitution, you can find better ways to start Senate hearings than saying a prayer. Yet this is just what our senators do, and the start of the debates on the reproductive health bill were no different.

God Writes a Letter to Andy

Dear God, Please heal my mother’s cancer. Please, please heal her. We can no longer afford her chemotherapy treatments. I had to...

Pacquiao: Petitionary Prayer plus Painstaking Preparation

Perhaps only the most fundamental of theists actually believe that it was Manny's prayers that got him to win fight after fight from one weight division to another. The moderate theists, on the other hand, probably believe that prayer has at least some bearing on his game, complimenting his hard work and preparation, so if he ever should come face to face with an equally skilled fighter, prayer would tip the balance to his favor.

Livin’ on a Prayer

Christopher Hitchens on dying gracefully.

On Prayer, Purpose, and Prosperity

Even back when I was still a very spiritual person I already had some reservations regarding prayer. Well I did sometimes pray to ask God for things, but deep inside I somehow figured that if God is good and he already knows what's good - what's best - for me, I'd rather tell him, "Your will be done" and use prayer as an expression of my overflowing gratitude for all the blessings.

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