
April 29, 2012 (Sunday) Starbucks Anson’s Ortigas Meetup

Location: Starbucks, Anson’s (across The Podium), ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig Date: Sunday, April 29, 2012 Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm

The Filipino Freethinkers Go to Church! And Meet a Carabao with Wings in Los Banos!

We felt it was high-time to try out a non-commercial meetup venue the next time around, and what better place could there be to house a bunch of heathens for some sweet, sweet sacrilege than a church?

Heart, Art, and the Occasional Fart

As an alternative to the usual meetup format, FF spent its latest gathering getting our art on at The Collective, albeit...

My First Time

It was my first time. I was young and inexperienced with the ways of the world. She was a few years...

Send Us Your Virgins: A Recap of the 1/30/11 Freethinkers Meetup

A recap of last Sunday's FF meetup at Starbucks-Anson's.

Holding the Fort: A Recap of the January 15 FF Meetup

A recap of last Saturday's Fort Bonifacio meetup.

November Meetup 2

Sunday, November 22, 2009 1:00pm – 4:00pm Starbucks (near cinemas) at Shangrila Mall Meetup Agenda: Ang Ladlad vs. COMELEC Homophobia Secularism Activism

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