A woman prepares a lethal cocktail of pharmaceuticals. It’s for her partner’s two children. She had been listening to a sermon just the other day about Isaac, Abraham’s son. God tested Abraham and led him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.
In our very professional podcast that is also a video, Red, Pepe and Margie talk about Kabataan Party-List Rep. Mong Palatino's withdrawal of HB 6330, or the "Religious Freedom in Government Offices Act."
I would always wonder if answered prayers weren't just coincidences; if the faith I felt wasn't just leveled up wishful thinking; or if the feelings I had for god's presence weren't just that -- feelings.
The familiarity of the Jesus story has anesthetized us from what is at the heart of the ritual. Millions of men, women, and children are moving around a wooden statue of a bloodied victim of torture, capital punishment, and God-sanctioned human sacrifice. The Black Nazarene is an ironic pornographic celebration of violence—the overt violence of the past and the more subtle violence of the present.
Senator Miriam Santiago's theological argument for the Reproductive Health Bill relies on the Catholic doctrine called "primacy of conscience." But some...