existence of God

On Proof, Presumption, and the Existence of God

The debate on the existence of God cannot be resolved on the basis of proof. While atheists claim that theists fail to prove that God exists, theists respond by saying that atheists fail to prove that he doesn't. Atheists would then say that the burden of proof lies on him who asserts and not on him who denies, and theists would point out that saying there is no god is also a positive claim that equally requires proof.

Why Dawkins should not debate with Craig

Craig is a seasoned debater, and his years of experience have taught him not only to identify the red herrings in his opponents' arguments but also to get away with a few dishonest tricks of his own.

What it Means to be a Nonbeliever

There are reasons why some people would rather call themselves skeptics or freethinkers instead of atheists, and one is to avoid the not uncommon misconception that atheism automatically means the positive claim that there is no god.

A Former Christian’s Letter to an Old Friend

‎"There is no future in a sacred myth. Why not? Because of our curiosity. Whatever we hold precious, we cannot protect it from our curiosity, because being who we are, one of the things we deem precious is the truth."

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