
False Balance: A Rebuttal to “Middle Ground”

Unfair as it may sound, not all opinions are equal.

Church Morality vs. Secular Morality: A Matter of Premise

In society, Church morality and secular morality often come into conflict with each other because their standards, and especially their underlying premises which dictate these standards, are as different as night and day.

What If the Rapture Happened and Nobody Noticed?

It’s Monday now and no one seems to have noticed any mysterious disappearances involving people shooting up into the sky. Seems like the Rapture was a bust.

Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Once again, somebody posted something in our Facebook page that I just had to address. Darn it, am I making a...

For what more?

For what more do I need religion?

Can you scare a Skeptic into believing?

One of the tactics proselytizers use to try to convert nonbelievers is the appeal to fear. What if you're wrong? What if it turns out there really is a god and you've lived your life on the assumption that there isn't?

What it Means to be a Nonbeliever

There are reasons why some people would rather call themselves skeptics or freethinkers instead of atheists, and one is to avoid the not uncommon misconception that atheism automatically means the positive claim that there is no god.

The Christian Freethinker

I mentioned in one of my comments that a “Christian freethinker” is an oxymoron, or loosely a “contradiction in terms”. I realize I should not have made such sweeping statement that might antagonize some liberal or progressive Christians.

A Former Christian’s Letter to an Old Friend

‎"There is no future in a sacred myth. Why not? Because of our curiosity. Whatever we hold precious, we cannot protect it from our curiosity, because being who we are, one of the things we deem precious is the truth."

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