I've been asked many times how I know that my understanding of the world is correct, and that the assertions of others are incorrect. Well, yes, one could empirically verify one's assertions, but then he might be asked how the conclusions drawn from this process can be known to be true.
We need to construct a compelling prevention narrative... One that inspires countries to mount permanent prevention campaigns that are socially inclusive,...
You think I’m an ignorant savage. And you’ve been so many places; I guess it must be so. But still I cannot see, if the savage one is me. Now can there be so much that you don’t know? You don’t know…”
Dawkins laid out his definitions of terminology on theist, deist, and pantheist. He referred to deism as a "watered-down theism" while pantheism as "sexed-up atheism". Of course, with theism, he refers to the belief in the traditional supernatural deity who created everything and comes in from time to time to bend natural laws and interfere with human events. So, with respect to his definitions, I do see his point.
While the rape of children is unequivocally disgusting and reprehensible, the true crimes that the Church, the Vatican, and the pope are liable for are their gross negligence and their operation of a secret international legal jurisdiction that disregards local laws.
As the only non-member state with permanent observer status in the United Nations, the Holy See has consistently led the charge, despite its lack of right to vote, against initiatives towards the equal rights of women and LGBT and the reduction of AIDS cases via the distribution of condoms.
One of the issues being debated by freethinkers is the source of our morality. Some atheists postulate that morality is just the product of evolution while agnostics point out that there are cases of altruistic human behavior that have nothing to do with propagating one's genes, and theists claim that our moral values must have therefore come from a Moral Lawgiver.