BlogSocial Justice

Social Justice

The Progressive Church That Will Never Come

Imagine this hypothetical situation: The progressive Catholics have split from the Vatican to form their own church. They've called it the New...

FF’s Lab Letters Issue #6

Hello friends! Welcome again to Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post!

Cardinal Tagle, Sexual Abuse, and the Asian Way

With Ratzinger vacating the papal throne, much has been made of who will be the man (and of course it must...

An Open Letter from the Filipino Freethinkers’ Parenting Chapter

Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City   An Open Letter from the Parenting Chapter of the Filipino...

FF’s Lab Letters Issue #5

Hello there! Welcome to FF's Lab Letters, the weekly science micro-post: VIDEO EDITION!   The 5 minute cancer diagnostic test Jack Andraka is a...

FF’s Lab Letters Issue #4

Hey there, buddy! Welcome to another edition of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post!

FF’s Lab Letters Issue #3

Hello lovers! Welcome to another edition of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post!

Show Solidarity with Carlos: Join the La Solidaridad Walk

Many of you have said you'd like to help Carlos in his case -- he's been found guilty of offending religious...

Open Letter to the Department of Education

Updated on 5 February, 2013, 6:32PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5 February 2013, MANILA – On the official website of the Philippine Department of Education, the...

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