

False Balance: A Rebuttal to “Middle Ground”

Unfair as it may sound, not all opinions are equal.

The Thrilla in NAIA: Tulfo, Santiago, & a Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Truth

Mon Tulfo says that Raymart punched him first. Raymart says that he was retaliating from a previous kick... yada yada... I'm...

Middle Ground

I recently saw an old friend who greeted me with "Hi, atheist!"   That's how I found out that he had been following...

Underestimating Parental Involvement

Many studies agree that parental involvement can either promote or retard cognitive (mental) development, and thus also affect student achievement. Bempechat (1992) cited Coleman et al. (1996) who reported that achievement was more influenced by family background and environment than the quality of the school.

Catholicism is a Country Filipinos Can’t Leave

"The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country." Church leaders, anti-choice groups, and many others have made this a mantra, some using...

Fernando Poe Jesus: The Catholic Mythos and the Filipino Action Star

To us, FPJ was a mythical figure, a divine savior; he’s the hero who comes and provides salvation to a community at the brink of despair – because they believed in him. FPJ was like a cool Catholic Jesus.

Pisay and “Tolerance”

A more charitable reading of my essay would have obviated any accusation that I envision a Pisay devoid of religion.

On Pisay and Untarnished Truth

Philippine Science High School has the potential to be our developing nation’s intellectual equivalent of the moon landing.

Evolution is Not a Religious Issue

People in highly influential positions such as parents, teachers, and clerics, whom other people (most especially children) look up to as sources of truth, continue to preach against evolution while hardly knowing anything about it. In most cases, arguments against evolution revolve around citing Bible verses or attacking straw man versions of the theory.

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