

Happy Bertrand

I believe that when I die I shall rot, and nothing of my ego will survive. I am not young, and...

Filipino Freethinkers on Twitter

Thanks to Tania's suggestion we're now on Twitter, and if you are too, please follow us. And if you're a registered...

A Positively Fanatic Orgy of Freethinking

Here's Albert Einstein, in Autobiographical Notes, on how he became a freethinker: Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached...

Hemant Mehta Interview

Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist, has recently agreed to a short interview with us. He joins our other special guests, DJ...

FF Special Guests

Do you remember Cafe Sci's event with Dr. Steve Jones? A bunch of us supported them when they interviewed him via...

New Forum Discussions

Hope you find one you want to discuss 🙂 What's the biggest challenge you overcame before coming out? Freethought Music: Epica (you have...

Filipino Freethinkers Vision and Mission

I have started a thread on the forum wherein we can clarify our group's mission and vision. But for the benefit of...

Become an FF Contributor

From the forum: Now, anyone can submit their freethought essays to our website for publishing. Here's how it works: Register for a Contributor account. Post...

The Best Filipino Bowlers (who are freethinkers)

Here are some pics of last Sunday's bowling event: And although it wasn't a contest, I'm giving out honorary awards, so everyone's...

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