

Membership, Mission and Vision

I hope this addresses some questions about freethinking and membership on the mailing list. * When you try to use reason and science...

Essay Writing Contest – Last Call

With the recent flood of articles from new and old authors alike, we now have enough entries for our Essay Writing...

We are experiencing some evolutionary difficulties

Notice anything different? If you've been refreshing our homepage for the past hour or so, I'm sure you have. The site is...

Our new logo: What do you think?

We're almost a year old, and when we reach that age we want everything about us to look as cool as...

On Being Finalists At The Philippine Blog Awards

With much regret, we sadly inform you that Filipino Freethinkers failed to get the 2009 Philippine Blog Award for the Advocacy...

The Filipino Freethinker and WTF!

We've got two extra copies of the New Testament to give away, totally free. Interested? Of course you are. Here's how you...

Facebook Integration

I've done two things to make life easier for all of you who live inside Facebook. First, you can now use...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-13

Added Recent Forum Topics to sidebar #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-06

Integrated Twitter with Filipino Freethinkers website. This should be fun! # Have you seen the Penn&Teller season finale on the Vatican yet?...

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