...a master of cocktail drinks, eagerly combining Christian and Hindu mythology to create a new exhilarating swig of a new cult, mixing Jesus and Krishna to create another intoxicant eagerly consumed by a drunken believer.
"If the universe requires a maker because it undergoes change, even God needs a maker because he sometimes creates, sometimes destroys." - Flower Offerings of Arguments
"If the universe requires a maker because it undergoes change, even God needs a maker because he sometimes creates, sometimes destroys." - Flower Offerings of Arguments
"If the universe requires a maker because it undergoes change, even God needs a maker because he sometimes creates, sometimes destroys." - Flower Offerings of Arguments
My friend’s wife has stage 4 breast cancer. What is different with this story is that my friend is an atheist and his wife’s family is blaming him and his non-belief as the reason why his wife developed cancer. They even burned all his atheist books.
Do these snake-oil salesmen (AKA Christian televangelists) can’t even give a straight to the face answer without resorting to biblical roller coaster rides and name-calling?
Throughout the history of man, those who believed and served God with all their hearts were the greatest men that this world had ever seen. They were the best public servants, the best heroes, the best mentors, the best leaders, and the best neighbors — NONE OF THESE BEST MEN IS AN ATHEIST!
If you entered a Christian chat room or if you engaged a talk to any Christian, the first thing he will do is to make sure you accept Jesus as your personal Savior.
Jesus who?
Oh, come on you gotta be kidding me.