Pinoy Atheist

Another ADD Atheist Bashing…Grow up.

Amateur (or should I say “immature) and defenders of certain Christian cults have a peculiar way of confronting the issues posted...

Just My Remarks on Pastor Orlaer’s Comments (Part 3)

We are now on Part 3 of my comments and I’m now going to tackle some of Pastor Vince's issues using...

Just My Remarks on Pastor Orlaer's Comments (Part 1)

Before I start, I would like to thank the Christians who visit the Filipino Freethinkers website and grace its pages with...

Faith as reason?

The problem in a “reason vs. faith” topic is we sometimes face with semantic difficulties. It is really more of a “what is the definition of faith you are using” kind of a problem.

Good without God

He refuted the atheists’ propaganda that people can be good without God. Reading Mark 10:17-18, he taught the congregation how to disprove the atheist belief that...Oh come on.

Atheism is a religion…and other nonsense.

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.” - Dr. Seuss

The Black Jesus (The Black Nazarene)

I'm not talking about a soulman who think he's Jesus...nope...I'm talking about a certain image of Jesus hailed as a celebrity in a district in downtown Manila.

God is just a big word

A whale shark is not a whale, it’s a fish. Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) is a very big fish, that’s why we call it a whale. Human ideas and imagination creates words – That’s the essence of etymology.

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