Dustin Celestino

God Goes to a Freedom of Expression Rally

To the protesters of the artwork “Poleteismo,” The universe is composed of millions and millions of galaxies. Inside a single galaxy are...

Hey, Look! There’s a Big, Disgusting Bias on My Dick! (Part 2)

Disclaimer: I am writing not as a representative of the Filipino Freethinkers but as an individual with an opinion. My views...

Hey, Look! There’s a Big, Disgusting Bias on My Dick! (Part 1)

Majority of straight men do not have a proper venue for productive discourse with regard to men’s issues because, in the dominant paradigm of gender politics, straight men are considered to be the privileged oppressors in patriarchal cultures and are, therefore, in no position to voice out grievances, especially grievances about the opposite sex.

Why I Don’t Like SlutWalks as Much as I Like Sluts or Walks

In the lecture “What’s Wrong and What’s Right with Contemporary Feminism?” Philosophy Professor Christina Hoff Sommers makes a distinction between equity feminism and...

My Dear Catholic, Stop Being Catholic

My Dear Catholic, When an adult male has an overwhelming need to put his penis into the mouth, anus or vagina of...

Why Priests should run the Philippines: A Proposal for a Priest-Governed Philippine Theocracy

The Catholic clergy has great influence on local government policy decision-making due to the fact that majority of Filipinos are believed to...

Why the RH Bill is bad: The Real Truth behind the Supposed Truth about the RH Bill

I used to support the RH Bill. I no longer do. By the end of this document, neither would you. I have not supported the RH Bill since I attended a lecture in Megamall about the truth behind it. That lecture truly enlightened me. My only hope is that this holy light of enlightenment passes through your monitor screen, into your optical nerves, and into your heart so it can touch your soul (because the soul is in the heart).

Career Day at St. Iguana Elementary School

What do I do? You’re asking me what I do? Seriously? It’s funny you should ask, because honestly, if you have...

God Writes a Letter to Andy

Dear God, Please heal my mother’s cancer. Please, please heal her. We can no longer afford her chemotherapy treatments. I had to...

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