Why People Worship Money

BanknotesMoney is powerful. Money is generally good (to the one who has it). Money is everywhere (or more accurately, it is recognized almost everywhere). And those with the Money know everything, or at least they know a whole lot more than those without. More importantly, what they know are often things that would point them in the direction of even more Money.

Ah, Money. Almost omnipotent, generally omni-benevolent, virtually omni-present, practically omniscient. Money’s ‘omnis’ may have qualifiers, but its powers are unmistakably tangible and immediately detectable. And Money begets more Money. No wonder people worship it.

Now it is written in the Bible: The love of money is the root of all evil. But is it? How about Lust? Isn’t that a root of the evil of rape? How about Anger, Envy, Pride? Surely more horrid things had been done out of these than for the love of money.

Now I could almost hear the atheists say, “And even more terrible things like murder and genocide had been done in the name of god”. Well, I think ‘in the name of religion‘ would be more accurate. Because how can different people supposedly created by the same God receive separate ‘instructions’ from their ‘God’ to kill each other just because the other is an idolater or infidel?

And now I could almost hear the theists say, “But greater evils were done by Stalin and Mao who were all supposed to be atheists!” Well I think these atrocities had nothing to do with whether or not these leaders believed in God but rather on how they controlled their subjects in a cult-like fashion not unlike some religions – by striking the fear of death into their hearts. The only difference is that while the death the dictators deal is corporal, the death that religions use to threaten the unbelievers is eternal. I wonder which one is more effective in controlling legions and enforcing the leader’s will.

But I guess the more important question is, why do monarchs as well as religious cult leaders have to use the fear of death to control entire populations? Ah, for the love of money. And so while the monarch says, “Give me your money or else you will die”, the religious cult leader says, “Your money will only weigh down your soul and lead to your eternal damnation. Give it to me and worship me instead”. And while they talk about a Kingdom of God in Heaven, they are simultaneously building their own material kingdoms here on Earth – using their members’ money of course.


  1. In your case I agree it's the former. 🙂

    I do also have a tendency to over evaluate details. However, I first try to determine if the details I'm over evaluating are significant to the issue. If they're petty and not important, I let them go. 🙂

  2. @innerminds

    Yes, on that part I agree.

    I was merely commenting on the part where you mention:

    "And those with the Money know everything, or at least they know a whole lot more than those without."

  3. @f241vc15: Good example. But notice the succeeding sentence to my proposition that people with money know more than those without:

    "More importantly, what they know are often things that would point them in the direction of even more Money."

  4. @innerminds

    As a counter example, I give you the common bum in the streets of our city. Let's see those people from the stock market use their knowledge in surviving with barely any food or clothing or shelter in an urban setting.

  5. @innerminds

    Some call it nitpicking, others, something else. I do have a tendency to over evaluate some details as some people view it. Or as other people view it, a quite remarkable attention to detail. Whichever it is you think it is, it can sometimes be beneficial instead of detrimental, which I think in this case is the former no? 🙂

  6. Sadly this is the case man-made religions are being founded on (Not all of course). The teachings which should be the core are usually being distorted.

    Islam teaches people not to give it to the institutions but to give to the poor directly. Jihad is more of a spiritual battle and on defense rather than aggression and killing.

    Christianity teaches not to hold on to material things and you shall have eternal life. A ruler was told to sell everything he has and distribute it to the poor. (Luke 18:18-24)

    Mao,Stalin,Hitler have no core ethical values but base their actions on "what works" system. They think killing your opponents (being viewed as bad) is okay. Stalin believed that betrayal is necessary in attaining goals that's why he was paranoid of being betrayed and purged anyone who was suspicious. Mao induced hatred of the bourgeois more than anything else. Hitler induced hatred of Jews. No love on their agendas.

  7. How about in real estate and other investments (except the stock market). People with the money usually know ahead who's buying what or who's building where, and they can use this information to ride the investment wave to their advantage.

  8. People with (more) money don't always know more than those without (or with less) money. Just give me one example of a guy "with money" and I'll give a guy who has no money/less money, but knows something which the other guy doesn't.

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