Why the RH Bill is bad: The Real Truth behind the Supposed Truth about the RH Bill

I used to support the RH Bill. I no longer do. By the end of this document, neither would you. I have not supported the RH Bill since I attended a lecture in Megamall about the truth behind it. That lecture truly enlightened me. My only hope is that this holy light of enlightenment passes through your monitor screen, into your optical nerves, and into your heart so it can touch your soul (because the soul is in the heart). My intent here is not to antagonize Pro-RH people, but to enlighten – so listen up, you narrow-minded morons. Open your minds to the real truth…

The RH Bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction, because, at its very core, the RH Bill is an extension of a secret, global conspiracy – a western attempt – to implement principles of eugenics on unsuspecting, inferior populations in order to exclude them from the human evolutionary process, at the end of which would, at the apex, summon forth THE MASTER RACE. Anyone who failed to see this after the lecture is ignorant. I advise him or her to do his or her research, better yet, do some soul-searching to discover the real truth, because the truth is in our hearts, we just have to listen to it.

Initially, my layman’s interpretation of the RH Bill led me to think that it was just a bill meant to help educate the uninformed about ways to prevent them from fornicating their way to a very bad financial situation. My ignorant mind devised 10 simple points as to why the RH Bill was right.

I thought:

1. The minimum wage – the lowest an employer can pay an employee – of a non-agricultural Filipino worker is P404.

2. If there were 20 working days in a month (because most people don’t work on the weekend), the average minimum-wage-earning Filipino would earn around P8,000 a month.

3. Let’s call that person, Joey. If Joey, like other human beings, ate food on a regular basis, he will spend around P70/day on food (and that’s a very, very conservative assumption). There are 30 days in a month, so I guess, that would amount to P2,100 a month.

4. But if Joey had a wife that he loved, he might want to feed her too. Feeding her would cost another P2,100 a month.

5. P8,000 – P4,200 = P3,800

6. If Joey and his wife rented a home, or used electricity and bathed from time to time, the amount left from Joey’s salary would be significantly reduced. Let’s say their utility bills and rent amounted to P1800.

7. P3,800 – P1800 = P2,000

8. P2,000 is a lot of money, but I don’t think Joey and his wife should have more than 3 children, right? I mean, I don’t have children, but just by looking at one, I can safely assume that they cost more than P1,000/month. Babies need milk, diapers, toys, immunity injections, baby medicine…

9. From this I deduced that babies cost money. If babies cost money, I theorized that having more babies would cost more money. And from this data, I observed that a person who spent a lot of money on children, but didn’t earn a lot of money, would soon be broke and unable to provide for both himself and his children. Another word for this broke situation is poverty.

10. I theorized that a person can avoid being poor by making less babies. So, I thought that steps should be taken to inform people about this very little known fact. I also thought that the government should make contraceptives accessible so that people who don’t earn a lot can properly manage the little resources that they have. That’s why I supported the RH Bill.

But now I know that I was wrong. And here are some of the reasons why I know that. By the way, before I continue, I must say that this is the truth, guys. In fact, it’s more than the truth. It’s the Catholic truth, which means that it’s truer and more true than the regular truth.

I know that the issue of the RH Bill is not a religious issue, but make sure you pay attention if you want your soul to be saved. Here are some of the things I learned from the lecture I learned:


“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated.”

I agree. I, myself, have observed that the Philippine is NOT overpopulated. In fact, if you use your common sense and think about it, you will realize a few things:

1. We are not overpopulated! Look at the mountains, the jungles, the caves and the ocean floor. There are no people there!

2. If we were really overpopulated, we would have trouble travelling. But if you go to EDSA, there’s no traffic. When you ride the MRT, it’s not packed with people.

3. Students in public schools are well educated because the teacher to student ratio is very low. In fact, because of our low population the government can basically guarantee that all public school students are provided books, notebooks and other school supplies.



“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women.”

1. I agree, the RH Bill is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose – the uninterrupted production of healthy babies.

2. Furthermore, the role of women in society and the universe is to make babies. That’s why God made women. That’s their sole purpose in life. They’re not good for anything else. Ever wonder why there are no women in the clergy? Because they’re not good enough.

3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses. That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege.

4. Women should get pregnant every single time they have sex and only immoral women enjoy sex without the possibility of conception. In fact, a better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by Mother Mary – to learn how to conceive without having sex.



“The RH bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction!”

1. I agree. If we pass the RH bill, we will become extinct, like dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are all dead. If we don’t want to be extinct, we should not pass the RH Bill. I mean, do you really want to be a dinosaur?

2. In my opinion, it wouldn’t even be far-fetched to speculate that the most probable reason the dinosaurs became extinct was because they used contraceptives.

3. Population decline is just bad for nations. Just look at the countries which have a declining population – Italy, Japan and Singapore. They’re in such a bad shape. The Philippines obviously has a better economy and has a higher literacy rate than these countries. In fact, many Italians, Japanese, and Singaporeans go to the Philippines for work. That only goes to show that a decline in population is bad for the economy.



“Our population is our biggest asset!”

1.  In my opinion, people should make as many babies as they can because the population is not a problem. In fact, the more babies a person has, the more assets he has. Forget real estate properties, stock investments, or Jollibee franchises. The real secret to increased wealth is babies.

2. If you have 15 babies, you’re practically wealthy because babies are assets:

2.1 If you need money, you can sell them.

2.2 If you can keep them alive until they can walk, they can one day beg for money in the streets – they’re going to have to anyway because there’s no way in hell you’ll be able to provide for all of them on your own.

3. If ever a person is not able to feed the 15 babies he made, it’s the governments fault, because it’s the governments sole responsibility to make sure that every Filipino baby is fed.

4. The best way a person can contribute to his country is to contribute to its population.


“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that reproductive education and contraceptives will effectively reduce cases of abortion.”

1. Reproductive/contraceptive education will have no effect on the number of abortion cases. In my opinion, these abortion cases will not lessen because women will continue to have abortions regardless of whether they are pregnant or not.

2. Abortions cannot be prevented. It’s just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for example.


“The RH Bill is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex.

1. By approving the RH Bill, we as a nation, are practically encouraging our people to engage in immoral activities.

2. We must protect our moral values and reject the RH Bill. Because, currently, not a single Filipino engages in pre-marital sex or extra-marital sex. As soon as this bill is approved, Filipino people will run the streets naked and start a national orgy!

3. The root cause of extra-marital and pre-marital sex is one’s exposure to contraceptives. There is just something in contraceptives that people find very arousing.

4. In Western countries, men lure strange women into bed by showing them condoms.

5. If we ban condoms, absolutely no one would engage in pre-marital or extra-marital sex.


“The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that parents don’t teach their children about sex.”

1. The truth is that parents talk to their children about sex all the time. It’s so not awkward. The dad usually tells his children how he takes off all his clothes, does a sexy Tiger growl and makes sweet, sweet music with their mother’s body.

2. Also, a father usually advises his daughter that if she’s going to have sex with her boyfriend, she should use a condom. Sometimes the father even drives the daughter to the boyfriend’s house and waits for the couple to finish.

3. Filipino daughters don’t have sex without the father’s permission. Unwanted pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. That’s why we do not need the RH Bill.


“The RH Bill is a conspiracy.”

1. It’s lies, all lies!


“The RH Bill is wrong because the priest said so, and priests are never wrong.”

The biggest reason why we should not pass the RH Bill is because the priests told us that we shouldn’t. As anyone should know, priests, men of the clergy, should be the authority on sexual and reproductive matters because they have the most knowledge and experience with sex and reproduction. They are true sexperts – legendary masters of erotic affairs. If you are a real Catholic, you would do everything they say, because they’re always right.


  1. Grabe hindi raw OVER POPULATED ANG PHILIPPINES, then binigay pang isang example kung saan wala daw naka tira ang OCEAN FLOOR!

    Grabe ang babaw!

  2. hahaha nice article made me LOL…..

    and yes it takes a significant amount of brain cells to appreciate sarcasm…..

    kung di kayo sigurado kung sarcasm yan, 2 digit IQ i suppose….

  3. GOOD THING this is made out of sarcasm..the last part is kinda funny.

    but if its not sarcasm then..fuck you.haha

    anyway excellent article.

  4. Even if this is a sarcastic article about the RH Bill… This article seems like it is very sexist.

    “The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women.”

    1. I agree, the RH Bill is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose – the uninterrupted production of healthy babies.

    2. Furthermore, the role of women in society and the universe is to make babies. That’s why God made women. That’s their sole purpose in life. They’re not good for anything else. Ever wonder why there are no women in the clergy? Because they’re not good enough.

    3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses. That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege.

    I hope that you should watch your choice of opinions–even if those are jokes– because we don’t know, that maybe, there are people who are against sexists.

  5. I don’t think that there’s a possibility that FILIPINOS or any race will become extinct because of the RH BILL. This bill promotes to PREVENT and MINIMIZE POPULATION GROWTH and NOT REALLY END the REPRODUCTION. It is still up to us people. I’m sorry to oppose, but I also don’t believe that the larger the population, the more it will become an ASSET of a country. I believe that it is not the QUANTITATIVE aspect that will contribute to our country’s development, but the QUALITATIVE rather. It is not an assurance that every born Filipino would become an ASSET, or would be a PRODUCTIVE citizen. Still, everything would end up in OUR ATTITUDE.

    Also, I’d like to point out the one you said that if it’s CATHOLIC TRUTH, it is already the ‘truth’. You even wrote it as ‘truer than any regular truth’. I disagree in that, unfortunately. Why do you think PRIESTS are opposing the RH BILL? There’s one thing that came to my mind thinking that question. The more children to be born, the more BAPTISM that will take place. And it’s equal to more MONEY the CATHOLIC CHURCH can get. I believe that baptism is only given to those who have sins, since the baptism’s main purpose is TO CLEANSE our souls. Do you believe that an innocent child has committed any sin? We have a quotation, “Ignorance of the law exempts the sinner”.

    Babies never committed any sin.

    In conclusion, I’d like to express my humiliation about your article. You write well, but still the content just makes me laugh. I’m sorry for that.

    To the other readers of this blog: RH BILL has a lot of advantage to us Filipinos. This may be is the start of the development of this country. This will be the answer to the never – ending problem of poverty. For me, I believe that the less dependents, the more developed we will be.

    I hope that you got my point without any had feelings.


    • this was meant to be satirical.

      Satire (n) – the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices.

      you're welcome.

    • aww, di ko gusto yung second paragraph! madami pang dapat iaral sayo kapatid. tanong ko lang, di ka man katoliko tunay ka bang kristyano? "Do you believe that an innocent child has committed any sin?" hmm.. marami ka pang di nalalaman.. Godbless..^_^

  6. I am still pro-RH Bill. If you flopped based from what you have placed above, I opined that you have failed miserably. Stop thinking that RH Bill is all about sex, sex, sex, escapades, orgies, bacchanalia and other immoral things. I am a Catholic Christian and I am a Pro-RH Bill. I believe that people should not be denied of any education, be it one that touches the boundaries of what a familial system should work with.

    Generalization vs. Special Case

    We are not overpopulated – Count how many people are in the shanties and living in literal bread crumbs.

    But if you go to EDSA, there’s no traffic. When you ride the MRT, it’s not packed with people. – Highly fallible because it is number of cars vis a vis population. Cars take a larger space than people. The only exception is some of the morbidly obese.

    Students in public schools are well educated – May kapitbahay ako na nag-aaral sa public school na hindi marunong mag-Ingles. Tells you much, huh?

    the RH Bill is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose – the uninterrupted production of healthy babies… The role of women in society and the universe is to make babies. That’s why God made women. – Baby factories? That is immoral, I believe.

    Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses. That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege. – Highly sexist by in my opinion.

    A better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by Mother Mary – to learn how to conceive without having sex. – Faith aside, sexual reproduction by splitting. I want to see that.

    “The RH bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction!” – Playing by your words, hindi po ito genocide, population control po. Control, hindi killing.

    "Abortions cannot be prevented. It’s just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for example." – You assume these, which means that I have all the right to assume too. You will then be assuming that women have no dignity, that they are just bottles of baby-making goo, and that,with your sperm, they'll just develop some way to create your derivatives. How apt.

    "As soon as this bill is approved, Filipino people will run the streets naked and start a national orgy!" – Stupid.

    It’s lies, all lies! – I believe this is the last leg of your desperate attempt to discredit RH Bill. Don't go meandering and saying these things. Also, I can imagine you lying on the floor in a prone position, pounding the streets with your legs and fists. And your face looks as if you tasted something pungent.

    The biggest reason why we should not pass the RH Bill is because the priests told us that we shouldn’t. – I don't really know what to say about this. We are given the right to learn from anything: the day, other people, the environment, animals, and ourselves. It simply does not follow that everything from your main info source is what everyone must uphold. It just shows that blatantly we have an education issue.

  7. Everyone pls. read this part:

    “The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women.”

    3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses. That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege.

    4. Women should get pregnant every single time they have sex and only immoral women enjoy sex without the possibility of conception. In fact, a better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by Mother Mary – to learn how to conceive without having sex.

    What the hell? “Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege”?!! What is this thing?! This is so sexist! The point of the RH bill is to empower women and improve women rights! Don’t you know that the reason why there are rapes is because of men like you who have this mentality called “Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege”! And you say that women should get pregnant every single time they have sex. What the heck is this? What about the women who are raped? Do you want them to get pregnant, too? Against their will? And bear a rapist’s child?! Seriously, this is just sexist. You are not giving a damn about the rights of women! And don’t you know how painful it is to give birth? And you say that women should get pregnant everytime they have sex? This is clearly violating some of the rights of women. What, they cannot choose if they still want to have children because they have to get pregnant every single time they have sex? You are clearly a man because you do not understand how women feel when it comes to childbirth and raising a child!

    • easy ka lang ate, kung d mo nagets tong article na toh, sobrang sarcastic at sobrang opposite mga sinasabi nya. its a joke. ok? blood pressure mo.

  8. Sarcasm to the highest degree? Haha! I almost believed it, until I came to the part of “The RH Bill is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex.” and onwards.

    Did not really find the article funny but it sure is an interesting one. B)

  9. can i oppose to those priest and someone here that says we should "follow the priest cuz they're always right"?!!!! oh come on… if u only opened ur mind for the true teachings of Holly scriptures u will see the fact that all the doctrines of the catholic church are definitely WRONG…!!!!! they make the sweet bitter..and the bitter made sweet..its in the bible! why can't u opened ur mind first at the genuine teaching and doctrines before u oppose these bill… cuz in fact this RH BILL is a one solution of our country!…and look the brethren of the catholic church has no UNITY..!!!! and that is very visible since then!.. PRO RH BILL!

  10. Brilliant article. Sa una, parang 'wait, naiinis ako ah' nung tinutuligsa yung kababaihan. Tapos nung naisip ko yung about sa dinosaurs, na-enjoy ko na yung article.

    I commend the author. Usually kasi ang mga tao, naiinis agad at di na nakikinig pag nega na yung sinasabi sa kanila. Pero ito, na-convey nya yung message nya in a very entertaining way. Galing! 🙂

    P.S. Natawa ako sa mga umalma. 😛

  11. I knew something was wrong about it. but I have to admit that you are right about somethings.

    Anyway, if people does not want to get pregnant then why have sex in the first place. I couldnt help but blame the media for the decline of the the Filipino morality for these past few years. Is it because the western people find it “in” or something. Is it because Filipinos in general just wants to feel like they belong in the Western cultures? That they are somewhat “cool” if they follow them?

    I know this may sound mean and to some other people, does not make sense but I just have to voice this one out. We should really preserve the Filipino values that has been taught to has since who knows when.

  12. maayos na sana ang ilang mga main points, pero hindi mo pinagbuti ang supporting arguments nag mukha tuloy ng katawa-tawa. Iniisip ko tuloy kong ang nagsulat nito ay may intensyon na i-discredit ang mga pro RHBill sa pamamagitan ng ganito katangang argumento. I am AGAINST RH Bill!

    • maybe then you should google the word SARCASM. since you can't easily detect the sarcastic nature of the article, i wouldn't wonder why you can't see the benefits of the RH Bill to the Filipino community. tsk. as if Anti-RH Bill people do not discredit those who are PRO.

  13. 1. Reproductive/contraceptive education will have no effect on the number of abortion cases. In my opinion, these abortion cases will not lessen because women will continue to have abortions regardless of whether they are pregnant or not.

    2. Abortions cannot be prevented. It’s just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for example.

    WTF?!..man your insane. there's is definitely something wrong with you…

    "If we ban condoms, absolutely no one would engage in pre-marital or extra-marital sex."

    man it is sooooooooo evident that pre-marital sex is done left and right..
    people just does not say out load that " HEY! I FUCKED THAT GIRL" or "HEY! I GOT FUCKED ALREADY"..lol

    "2. Also, a father usually advises his daughter that if she’s going to have sex with her boyfriend, she should use a condom. Sometimes the father even drives the daughter to the boyfriend’s house and waits for the couple to finish."

    i have not met even a single filipino father who does this, nor encourages his daughter to get laid, because it's just the same as making your daughter a prostitute or worse a "cum dump"

    "3. Filipino daughters don’t have sex without the father’s permission. Unwanted pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. That’s why we do not need the RH Bill"

    man! WTF! are u saying.. it's like your saying that every single women planned to do abortion!.. because abortion is increasing because of unwanted pregnancies, y the hell would you abort a baby that you wanted ryt?

    lol? priest are the SEXperts?… your the one who's simple minded lol it's like your saying they are the one responsible for these pornographic videos, pictures and all

      • successful troll, is successful. but actually, in this case, successful satire artist, is successful. 🙂

    • Meet Rashine Palma…

      Dude, Pro RH bill yung author. read the article again.. If you still cant get it… Here have a condom and dont procreate.Bobo mo.

  14. shocking! how is begging in the streets a positive effect? who are you calling narrow minded again???

  15. i agree on some points. but definitely no on “2.1”… if your talking about morality, is it morally right to sell babies?, so that goes to show that you are pro-baby making?… please enlighten me =D

  16. bwesit ka na nagsulat ng artocle na to. mali-mali mga fax mo. ang mga pare ato din nagkakamali. tsaka yong mga gusto tumira sa ocen floor, mag-aral muna kayo magscuba. tanga-tanga mo dustin.

    • sege nga paki-fax yang mga facts mo. pake-goggle din ng mga saletang "sarcasm" at "satire," bro. I mean, bru!

  17. Brilliant article. Sa una, parang 'wait, naiinis ako ah' nung tinutuligsa yung kababaihan. Tapos nung naisip ko yung about sa dinosaurs, na-enjoy ko na yung article.

    I commend the author. Usually kasi ang mga tao, naiinis agad at di na nakikinig pag nega na yung sinasabi sa kanila. Pero ito, na-convey nya yung message nya in a very entertaining way. Galing! 🙂

    P.S. Natawa ako sa mga umalma. 😛

  18. the point is, this is not a priority as of the moment. It seems that the government is just using the RH bill as a decoy, i order to shift the people's attention from the graver problems our country is facing. Why don't they focus on fighting corruption rather than creating a divide amongst the Filipino people with this RH Bill? Just think people, just think…

  19. ang layunin lang naman ng RH bill ay mapabuti ang kalagayan ng mga pinoy, YES! overpopulated na ang pinas.. di naman pag babasihan doon ang mga bakanti pang BUNDOK!!

    base on the book na nabasa ko.. ang indonesia ay mas kurap pa sa pinas but then na reduce yung poverty dahil sa population policy.. ayw nyo na RH bill OKAY bayaran nyo ng TAX mga anak nyo na di nyo naman kyang pAARALIN , at ang nakakainis pa na part ay pinagtratrabaho nyo mga anak nyo instead na papaaralin nyo para lang kumita kayo so that magiging sapat yung food para sa inyong lahat.

    and according to Encarta Kids 2009,poor countries have difficulty feeding all their people ,they can’t even provide housing or health care for so many people and don’t have enough schools and jobs. Thus, poor countries stay poor as a result.

    the Catholic Church only favors Natural Family Planning (NFP) which is not an effective method for family planning and for controlling the increasing population of our country. Furthermore, this method requires extraordinary discipline especially to the less educated and unemployed couples who have nothing to do especially at night! =)

  20. “The RH Bill is wrong because the priest said so, and priests are never wrong.”

    yes they are never wrong >:) :))

  21. i am a catholic and i respect the priests, the clergy and so on.. and yes, i am for RH Bill.. i was really shocked when the article said that that we should believe that the RH bill is wrong because the priests say so.. and let me quote this "The biggest reason why we should not pass the RH Bill is because the priests told us that we shouldn’t. As anyone should know, priests, men of the clergy, should be the authority on sexual and reproductive matters because they have the most knowledge and experience with sex and reproduction".. talaga lng ha????

  22. The church and the religious community accepted and understood blindly when Bible God killed all the unborn babies and violated his own rule not to kill and yet they're so concerned about abortion issue while in fact this is not the one that RH bill is trying to suggest. The church should not interfere the government legal action and should only exercise their function inside the church for there's a separation of church and govt. Let the people decide what they think is good for them. This is not compulsory anyway. Everybody is entitled to his own opinion and belief.

  23. Anti RHB are so concerned about the artificial contraceptives but we're not talking about abortion here. God in the Bible punished and killed all the unborn babies during his anger, was accepted and understood blindly without any complain just because you're made to believe in your faith without an honest investigation so why are you so upset when the government is looking for an immediate solution to an imminent danger of population explosion. People have to decide anyway, not mandatory or compulsory. Remember, everybody is entitled to his own opinion.

  24. Tama bang imarginalize ang mga taong hindi nakuha kaagad ang sarcasm. The problem with alot of you are that once you got the "sarcasm", if that really is the author's initial intent, you immediately shun and clash with the people who are still in the process of analyzing the sarcasm or who are serious thinkers. Alam na ngang hindi magegets agad ang article, pinagtatawanan agad. Ang pupurol!! :)) Yung iba naman nagmamatalinong nagrereply sa comments ng mga nambabatikos sa article. Tang ina, bobo ka. Wag ka magmagling porket nagets mo kaagad =)) nagdaan ka din diyan, Botch

  25. I find this article very offensive to my strong religious beliefs and my conviction to my country.

    First of all, how can we live in the mountains or the jungles?? Not only is it so far away, there is no internet there!

    Secondly, have you seen the traffic in the city? I have to wait in the sun for hours before my driver can come and fetch me! It’s so hot!

    Furthermore, how can you say the women are only meant for breeding?? Women are capable of so much more! Women can cook, clean and sew! Shame on you for limiting women!

    Also, how can you say that countries like Singapore have poor economies? Have you been to Singapore?? They have more concerts there than we do!

    Lastly, i find the view on priests very demeaning! They are not masters of sex! They’re guardians who watch over us! They’ve been doing so since the beginning of civilization in this country! My priest said so himself!

    Get your facts straight, mister! What kind of article forces people to make them think about what they’ve read and research on the topic themselves?? Thats very bad!

    • haha 🙂 i have an uncle who lives in the jungle and has an Internet connection. He uses a satellite dish. We should give everyone a satellite dish to encourage everyone to live in the jungle. The problem of the wrongly perceived population by the stupid government and pro RH Bill…solved!

      You need to bring an umbrella next time you hail a cab (whose driver, is not the chauffeur btw)…hahahaha. 🙂

      Agree with you. Singapore is the da bomb. I think they are richer as a country than us. They can wear branded apparel like The GAP, L. Vitton, and Lacoste like they're ukay ukay. In the Philippines we can only afford bench and ukay ukay.

      I agree with you. Priests are our only hope. They can talk to God like they have a direct line. We should believe them. Really.

    • A+ comment! :)))

      "First of all, how can we live in the mountains or the jungles?? Not only is it so far away, there is no internet there!"

      hindi pa ba tumunog ang sarcasm radar nyo? change your batteries!

  26. I find this article very offensive to my strong religious beliefs and my uneding support for the Philippine Government.

    First of all, its ridiculous to think we can live in these areas you mentioned! Not only are they so far away, but there is no internet there!

    Second, it is not easy to travel at all. I have to wait for my driver to fetch me and as a result, i am always waiting out in the sun. (which is bad for my skin).

    Furthermore, women are not merely for the purpose of creating babies! We are capable of so much more! We can also cook, clean and sew! Shame on you for limiting women!

    How can you say that declining population is bad?? Have you ever been to Singapore? They have wayy more roads and streetlights than we do!

    Also, your view on priests are very demeaning! Priests in the Philippines have always looked out for the Philippine people! Since the start of civilization here in the country! My priest said so himself!

    Check your facts first, mister! This kind of article is the worst kind for bombarding people with information that would make people stop and check where the data is coming from and research it themselves! Thats very bad!

    • yeah, it is funny as hell but I don't think a lot of people would really understand what the author's trying to say. real bummer. sad but true 🙁

  27. ” 3. Filipino daughters don’t have sex without the father’s permission. Unwanted pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. That’s why we do not need the RH Bill. ”

    – kalokohan to. how can you prove this one? e dito p lang sa lugar namen 13 years old p na lang may nabubuntis na.. maraming high school student sa pinas ang di n nakaka pag college one of the main reason is “nabuntis or nakabuntis”… sa tingin mo nag paalam sila sa tatay nila? and sa tingin mo pinayagan sila? haha nakakatawa 😀

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