Christian vs Non-Believer meet again

Hi, I just thought that the ending was not enough. After some of the reactions, I thought I’d create a new one from my left over material and finish the job.

Episode 6
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 10

All images used were taken from Apple Computer, Get A Mac ads. All editting was done by Me


  1. —–What Now? Mr. True Christian, do you want everyone to be just like you because you know better than us?———–
    (I just want the truth.)

    —–You say that a True Christian understands the Bible? There were no Christians in the OT and yet you still accept the OT as it is part of the Bible. ————-
    (here are prophesies in the old testament about Christ. You did not made a thorough research)

    —–To be a Christian, you must be a follower of Jesus Christ who started Christianity to replace what was in the Old Testament.——-
    (Christ did not replace all the covenants. It is written in the Old Testament that there will be new covenants. Again, you did not made a thorough research)

    ——-You say nothing about Jesus Christ as if you don’t recognize him as from where the Church originated. You really are a great manipulator because you can’t accept that what other people say might be true so you want to make everybody accept your own views instead.——–
    (Isn't the article you have written is the manipulated one?)

  2. Man doesn't need to be created by something. It could have been Evolution like people have been saying all along or it could be some other way. Man is not alone on this earth. We can also ask How did Life on Earth begin? or Who created Life on Earth? Science can explain 'How' but not 'Who'. The Question of 'Who' is wrong. I realize that the Bible is centered on Man, It doesn't say much else about other things like what is in our electronic encyclopedias.

    Are you saying that the Bible is God's notebook? Who wrote the Bible?
    They are just men who in their time had nothing to believe in. It was a primitive time. They didn't have the right tools to understand what is going on around them. Now humans have accumulated enough scientific learning to disprove some of the wrong notions about this nature and the world.

    Let me rephrase what i posted earlier.
    "… You are making the Bible fit into what you want it to be."

    I hope this answer is sufficient for you.

    • And also, the Bible is different from a God, just as a man is different from his notebook.
      –Are you saying that the Bible is God’s notebook? Who wrote the Bible?—

      I'm talking about the difference. A man to his notebook. Should that man upgraded to a God, what upgrade it would be to the notebook? It does not degrade the Bible as you comprehend.

      ————Man doesn’t need to be created by something. It could have been Evolution like people have been saying all along or it could be some other way.—

      I see uncertainty on the above.

      —-Man is not alone on this earth. We can also ask How did Life on Earth begin? or Who created Life on Earth? Science can explain ‘How’ but not ‘Who’. The Question of ‘Who’ is wrong.——————-

      Hmmm. So when the article "christian-vs-non-believer" was created, Science/Fact can only explain ‘How’ it was created, but not ‘Who’. The Question of ‘Who’ is wrong.

      Anyway…free spirit and twin skies. I maybe not visit this site more frequently…for I have so much things to do. I am controlling myself to not go beyond what is gentle. Both of you have shared your thoughts…and I thank you for that. I am also sorry if I cause you guys some anger of your own when my comments were made. I only want to tell that…I hope their will be a fair and true representation of what a Christian is (not catholic nor protestant), but Christians as defined in all aspects of the Bible – so that one should fully read and understand the Bible first before he will have the knowledge of what is a true Christian is. It is somehow unfair to make "Christian vs Nonbeliever" showdown, when that represented christian is not a true representation. Thank you. I love you guys – my co- pinoys :).

          • "Isn’t arrogance the true ignorance?"

            So what are you doing running around claiming that your belief in Jesus is some sort of panacea? I'd consider anybody who truly believes that to be "arrogant," if not outright delusional 😉

        • Hi,

          Maybe off-topic but I am looking for that article that you OKed. Did you take time to actually look into the plagiarized portions?

      • What Now? Mr. True Christian, do you want everyone to be just like you because you know better than us? You say that a True Christian understands the Bible? There were no Christians in the OT and yet you still accept the OT as it is part of the Bible. To be a Christian, you must be a follower of Jesus Christ who started Christianity to replace what was in the Old Testament. You say nothing about Jesus Christ as if you don't recognize him as from where the Church originated. You really are a great manipulator because you can't accept that what other people say might be true so you want to make everybody accept your own views instead.

        I do hope that the whole world doesn't turn Christian like what many of you have been trying to do. The God of the Bible is a failure to me. Yahweh was Jealous and Vengeful. It seems you just turn a blind eye to it all.

        The problem with the world today is that the word 'God' has been turned into a Christian concept. God should be Universal. There might be a God but I don't think that he comes in a form that we can relate to. In Hinduism for example, the equivalent of God is Brahman. What if I say that Man and the Universe originated from Brahman?

        I am uncertain about Evolution because I believe differently.
        What I believe in is that we are not beings with souls like what you Christians believe in, we are beings who have a Consciousness. The Universe has a consciousness which some people call Universal Consciousness.

        I'm not sure how there can be so many ethnic groups in different continents with the same evolutionary progress but in the Orient, you don't hear Yahweh revealing himself in any of their historical accounts. Until the westerners brought it there.

      • Hmmm. I see. There are really many religions trying to claim they are true Christians – but they don't really follow the teachings of Christ. These religions falter in following all of Christ's teachings – they put true Christianity in shame.

        • Ret, have you ever heard of this?
          "God doesn't create man, Man creates God"

          If i apply it to our situation.
          "The Bible didn't make you, You are making the Bible into something more than it really is."

          • So who created man? Can you share the answer on this article page?
            And also, the Bible is different from a God, just as a man is different from his notebook.
            Thank you.

          • [So who created man? Can you share the answer on this article page?]

            Do you mean this in a strictly biological sense?

            [And also, the Bible is different from a God, just as a man is different from his notebook.]

            If you're trying to claim that the bible is merely an interpretaion – a written account of how man sees god, you're hurting your own assertion of Christianity here.

            After all, you just discredited the only book that your entire faith system is derived from 😉

            Thank you for saving us the trouble of picking your arguments apart.

        • You and several thousand other people have said the same thing. And none of you have yet to present any hard evidence that your view is "true"

          • Hmmm. I share my comment, and you refuted it. So can you give hard evidence that my view is lie and your view is true? So that it can be read in this article page for the benefit of the readers. Thank you.

          • It works the other way around Ret.

            You claim your view is true, hence you are obligated to prove it beyond reasonable doubt that it is so. Don't try to shift the responsibility toward the guy who called you out – that's cheating.

            But if you insist, here are some examples:


            You can claim biblical inerrancy all you want Ret – all I see are sick religious nuts trying to justify their hate. You claim biblical "interpretations," I'll counter you with reality.

            And quite frankly, reality is a bitch.

  3. Nice one, I will be waiting for more.

    You should try making this one a simple short movie, then post it on youtube. It's great and definitely worth watching.

    • That'd be cool but this is all I can do with the skills that I have right now. The Apple Computer, "Get a Mac" ad campaign did most of the work for me. Try watching those commercials first. See if you can find what I edits I made 😉

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