quantum mechanics

Why is the Higgs Boson a Massive Deal?

After around 50 years since the Higgs boson’s existence was proposed in the 1960's, scientists at CERN have now confirmed at a 4.9 sigma significance level (more than 99.9999% confidence) that a particle that looks like the Higgs boson exists.

Quantum Queries: Where’s Amber?

...up here in the world of familiar objects -- bouncing basketballs, falling apples, orbiting planets -- the laws that govern our universe make it tick like clockwork. Down in the world of Amber the electron, things can seem very different. We must use a different set of rules to explain the behavior of Amber the electron and similarly small objects like protons, neutrinos, and positrons. These are the rules of quantum mechanics, and objects governed by these rules can be called “quantum objects”.

Quantum Queries: Is Ours A Clockwork Universe?

Meet Amber. She is an electron... Where’s Amber? Also, how fast is she going and where is she headed? Where can we find her later? Well, answering these questions is not as easy as it sounds. This is because Amber’s behavior is governed by the rules of quantum mechanics, which are quite different from the rules that govern the behavior of familiar objects like falling apples, swinging pendulums or flying cannon balls.

The Eternal Universe

Let’s get back to basics. The following is a case against a cosmological argument for the existence of God.

What In The World is Laser? (Part 3 of 3)

PART 3 How are laser beams produced? Laser beams are the product of stimulated emission of light. But what is stimulated...

Teleporting DNA

…a stunning result—so stunning that it seems rather dubious. The claim posited here is that dilute quantities of DNA can somehow emit “DNA waves” via its natural electromagnetic field and that this signal mimics the exact DNA sequence of the source in water.

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