Monthly Archives: March, 2013

I Never Asked Jesus to Die (And Neither Did You)

This is the Christian faith: that Jesus died for our sins that we may have eternal life, if we believe.

Why Conservatives Might Still Win Next Election

I rarely read the morning paper, much less buy it. Being almost always connected to the Internet, I still haven't found...

Lab Letters Issue #9: Squared Circles, Faster Swallows, and the Golden Record

Welcome to another issue of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post!

Meet A Freethinker: Ria Caringal

Meet a Freethinker is our series featuring freethinkers of all backgrounds and perspectives.

Your Senatoriable’s Not-So-Fabulous Stance on Gay Marriage

With the Papal elections winding down in the Vatican, most pinoys are beginning to focus their attention on our very own...

The RH Status Quo, The Way Things Were Before

The Supreme Court of the Philippines voted 10-5 to put a status quo ante order on the RH law, which means...

Lab Letters Issue #8: Life on Mars, the Higgs, and a Frog Brought Back from the Dead

How's it going, friends? Welcome to another issue of Lab Letters, FF's weekly science micro-post!

Convenience Confessional: RH vs. Rape

The confessional is where priests have believers by the balls. This is true both figuratively and literally.

A Jesuit’s Doublespeak on the RH Law

Author's Note: I realize that the title of the article should have been "A Jesuit's Apparent Doublespeak on the RH Law" and that a certain part should have been "...his apparent doublespeak..." because it would better represent my thoughts. However, in the name of journalistic integrity, the title and that particular part will remain albeit this note.

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