
FF Podcast (Audio) 014: Carlos Celdran Convicted and Offending Religious Feelings

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This week we talk about Carlos Celdran's conviction for the crime of "offending religious feelings."

FF Podcast (Audio) 012: Million People March

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We took a break last week due to the bad weather but we're back! This week's show is on the Million People March against the Pork Barrel and the PDAF Scam.

FF Podcast 012: Million People March

We took a break last week due to the bad weather but we're back! This week's show is on the Million People March against the Pork Barrel and the PDAF Scam.

FF Podcast 010: Pro-RH at SC and Advice for Atheists with Religious Parents

Pro-RH at SC and Advice for Atheists with Religious Parents

The Filipino Freethinkers' Podcast-that-is-also-a-Video is back! For its tenth episode, Red, Pepe, and Margie talk about the pro-RH presence at the recent Supreme Court hearings on the RH Law, and--in a Podcast-that-is-also-a-Video first--answer an online query about living with religious parents. Press play and enjoy!

FF Podcast 009: How straight allies can fight for LGBT rights

FF Podcast Episode 9 – How straight allies can fight for LGBT rights

In our 9th episode, Red is joined by our LGBT advocacy group to talk about how straight allies can help in the fight for LGBT rights, especially this week, UP Pride Week.

FF Podcast 008: The Palatino Bill Predicament

In our very professional podcast that is also a video, Red, Pepe and Margie talk about Kabataan Party-List Rep. Mong Palatino's withdrawal of HB 6330, or the "Religious Freedom in Government Offices Act."

FF Podcast 007: Lady Gaga vs Bigots and Fundies

Our newest podcast (that's also a video) is up! Here, Marge, Ria and Red discuss the current protest of some Christian groups against the Lady Gaga concert, the difficulties of satire in a country where the news reads like stories out of The Onion, and how beauty queen Miriam Quiambao's courage in defiance of popular opinion has contributed to the awareness of LGBT rights.

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