Tania Arpa

Thinker, writer, skeptic spy. Geek. Full of feminist rage and k-pop.

The Justice System, Courtroom Fashion, Typos and Why You Need to Read the Noli Me Tangere

Carlos Celdran's trial is one of the highlights of the fight for the Reproductive Health Bill, which is encountering a ton of opposition from the Catholic Church and other Catholic organizations, even though the people themselves seem to be all for it.

Solidarity statement from Filipino Freethinkers at Gay Pride 2009

Here's Ryan giving a Solidarity Statement from the Filipino Freethinkers at Gay Pride 2009.

I wrote this with my uterus

If there's one thing I like about my industry is that the issue of gender hardly comes up. Sure, there was this disastrous "IT pageant" some people tried to organize a few years ago, but then the outraged reactions to it only serves to reinforce my point. I've never been referred to as a "lady programmer" or "lady IT consultant". If anyone were ever called that, our first reaction would probably be "Weird, I've never heard of the Lady programming language".


Why do people believe in ghosts? You'd think that if they'd existed all these thousands of years, someone somewhere would've been able to get positive proof. Yet all we've come up with so far are a million anecdotes and those "reality" ghost shows, which are basically just footage of a bunch of idiots running around in a dark house and asking one another, "Did you hear that? Did you see that?" Yet a lot of people still believe they exist. And not just ghosts, but manananggal, tiyanak, mangkukulam, and a host of other supernatural beings.

Why volunteer?

Let's face it, a person has his/her own reason for doing anything. My reasons for wanting to help out the people...

Video: FF helping distribute relief parcels

OK, so I was supposed to write this post about last Sunday's, uh, adventures, but I haven't finished it yet. I...

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