Dustin Celestino

Your Memory is Fake

"Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind" is my favorite movie. I think it's perfect. I've seen it almost a dozen times....

The ADD Apocalypse is Among Us!

The first issue concerning the supposed Attention Deficit Disorder epidemic is the skepticism surrounding it. According to the Centers for Disease...

People with High Self-Esteem are More Likely to be Assholes

There is a general opinion that people with high self-esteem live happier lives and are less susceptible to depression should they face...

“Who’s Got Game?” Steven Pinker vs The Pickup Artist

In 2010, I wrote an article called, “In Defense of Sedouchers." The initial assumption made in my last article was, "if...

Arguing for the RH Bill with “Bishop Logic”

  The Bishops of the Philippines have some really shitty logic and they have been using this logic to spew lies and...

Dustin Celestino: The Number One Authority on Anti-RH Arguments

I, Dustin Celestino, the number one authority on anti-RH arguments, have been mentioned in a recent article by Sun Star Baguio....

The Thrilla in NAIA: Tulfo, Santiago, & a Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Truth

Mon Tulfo says that Raymart punched him first. Raymart says that he was retaliating from a previous kick... yada yada... I'm...

Fernando Poe Jesus: The Catholic Mythos and the Filipino Action Star

To us, FPJ was a mythical figure, a divine savior; he’s the hero who comes and provides salvation to a community at the brink of despair – because they believed in him. FPJ was like a cool Catholic Jesus.

The Artistic Merits of 90’s Sexy Cinema (and/or Why “Warat” is Art and Why Art is “Warat”)

Disclaimer: Apologies to all the women in the world for the potentially misogynistic contexts that may emerge from my usage of...

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