WOMXN includes people who identify as women and queer/non-binary people. This includes trans, nonbinary, womxn of color, womxn with disabilities, and all other marginalized genders. This does not include people who identify as cis-men.
To learn more about the term:
Womxn’s Meetup will only accept womxn participants and will only have womxn facilitators.
Date: May 31 (Sunday)
Time: 3-5pm
Venue: ZOOM Meeting
Please register at https://bit.ly/ff-womxn
Slots are limited, please register early!
1) Womxn’s Health amid COVID-19
2) Womxn’s Mental Health
2.a) Is it harder for womxn to come out as non-religious?
2.b) Mental Load – https://english.emmaclit.com/2017/05/20/you-shouldve-asked/
2.c) Safe Spaces for Womxn
3) Raunchy Topic: Womxn’s Sexual Needs
Meetup Rules:
* Raise your hand to add yourself to the speaking queue (there’s a way to do this in Zoom)
* Give others a chance to speak; listen to understand, and not just to reply.
* Mute your microphone when it’s not your turn.
* Try to limit your speaking to a minute per turn.
* Be courteous, avoid personal attacks (e.g., name-calling), argue in good faith, and give the benefit of the doubt.
* Try to stay on topic.
* Be supportive, try to foster a safe and brave space.
* Have fun!
Got questions about the meetup? Contact us at 0928 872 0020 or email us at [email protected].
* Newbies are welcome, and admission to the meetup is free.
* There is no required age, religion, philosophy, or IQ level.
* Discussions are informal yet intelligent (most of the time).
* You don’t have to talk; you can just sit in and listen.