A Message for Interested FF Members and Affiliates

Community is the lifeblood of Filipino Freethinkers. One of the most common things new members say to us is that they never knew there were others like them. It is undeniable that in the Philippines, non-believers are marginalized and experience disproportionate representation in the public sphere. However, even in their private circles, freethinkers experience discrimination and familial strife because of their beliefs or lack thereof. We aim to provide a venue where freethinkers have a voice and have the opportunity to have fellowship with other freethinkers and to know that they are not alone.

Currently, we have affiliates, regional and campus, in the following places:

We have informal FF groups comprised of students from the following campuses

We are always looking to expand and build more regional and campus chapters. Parties interested in establishing new affiliates must be approved first following the guidelines according to their category, whether campus or regional. Please see the appropriate guideline for more information.


This is a republishing of the Affiliation Guidelines posted above for the purposes of public knowledge. This posting may eventually go outdated without notice. Please check the affiliation guidelines posted above for the up to date listing of our affiliates and guidelines.

Please note that if a group claiming to be Filipino Freethinkers is not listed here, then we are not affiliated with them.

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