Our website has been quiet lately. But that’s going to change. Starting next week, we’re updating the site every day. And if on a certain day there is no new content, we’ll know who to blame. Meet the editors of the soon to be updated FilipinoFreethinkers.org:
Monday — FF News, Plans, and Weekly Roundup — Red
Tuesday — Humor and other Fun Stuff — Tania
Wednesday — Human Interest Stories, Inspiration, Advice — Wesley
Thursday — Religion — Danny
Friday — Science — Mike
Saturday — Book and Movie Reviews — Igme
Sunday — Freethought Art — Gerald
Their job is to post at least one article for their categories on the days above each week. So if you have something you’d like to contribute, please send them to the right category editor. If the piece is timely, such as something news-related, your piece will likely be published immediately. Otherwise it will be put on a queue to ensure that there will always be new content each week. Of course, short posts with a similar theme can be posted as one long article, in the same way that longer essays can be posted as several shorter ones. It’s all up to the editor.
This week the editors will be busy compiling stuff they can publish, so let’s all give them a hand. And we’ll also be redesigning the site in anticipation of all the new content. If you have ideas for the new site, and more importantly, stuff you’d like to publish online, please let the editors know. Thanks in advance for your support, and stay tuned for updates and for our updated site next week.
EDIT: Here’s where you can email your articles:
Well…hope for the best.
Now…can you just give us the e-mail of each editors so we can send them the article right away.
Thank You
Hi Red! Could you also setup and post the e-mail addresses for each section, so we can start receiving submissions as soon as possible?
I'll work on that ASAP. Just got better from a fever 🙂
Great news already!