Podcast 1: Noynoy's Candidacy

I could begin with a lot of caveats, disclaimers, and excuses. But instead, I’ll make an appeal to all you skeptics: For a few minutes, please turn off your bullshit detectors, turn on your faith generators, and enjoy the first episode of the Filipino Freethinkers Fodcast 😉

FF Podcast 1: Noynoy’s Candidacy


  1. Hey, good job. Morrrre. Will people be introducing their names in next eps? Would be nice to know. Love podcasts for brain-leeching! So would be nice to be able to attribute a thought/idea to someone. Can't wait to hear next ep!

  2. maybe you should have made a running commentary on your "The Birds and the Bees and the Hymens and the Mens" article for your "virgin episode" hehe

  3. Oh right! Forgot that topic is not particularly good-humored. Would be wrong move to say names. It's just that every time I hear a voice with no name, I automatically attach an image of a finger puppet to it. Hence, forgetting it's a very serious topic. Graaa, silly. Again, well done on the audio quality–good for iTunes.

  4. Good topic for a first podcast. I was just debating about Noynoy's candidacy with someone recently. It's not hard to imagine that he has a big chance of winning the presidency. But what's saddening is that if he wins, the Catholic agenda will be again reinforced. Many say we are a democratic country, but our government is actually a theocracy. The important laws that need to be legislated are blocked or neglected for religious reasons.
    This is why we need more freethinkers and not be silent about it. When this time comes we will no longer be a minority but a constituency. Let's make more noise! 🙂

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