Kenneth Keng

Freethinking on Freedom (of Information)

This post was originally supposed to be a summary of the proceedings at the first plenary sessions of Congress this year,...

The Priorities of the Pro-Life

While many in power seem busy edifying a man who spent the latter years of his life and a considerable part...

President You

It must seem the very height of naivete for an individual to believe that one might make a difference in how...

Let Me Be Wrong

I will readily admit that my previous writings have been possessed of the sort of presumptive self-assurance that only a complete...


Despite shameless dithering and outright bullying of resource speakers by anti-RH congressmen, isolated and dated studies presented as 'conclusive evidence' and...

Where It Starts

For now, by itself, this is indeed a small thing, with a simple solution: remove that line from our taxpayer-funded printed official currency.

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