G.A. Evangelista

Comment on “Freedom from Offense is Offensive to Human Rights”

The “blasphemous” works of Mideo Cruz are no more an excuse for a faith-driven riot by Christian fanatics than the portrayal of Batman and Robin as gay lovers are an excuse for superhero fans to lynch the spoof-makers.

God in Our Constitution

For many who had expected the July 13 Senate hearing with the “Pajero 7 bishops” to be more than just an...

Rough Notes on Secularism, Democracy and Human Progress, Part 3

In part 1 of this series, we looked at what secularism is. Part 2 examined the relationship between the church and...

Rough Notes on Secularism, Democracy and Human Progress, Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we looked at what secularism is. Today we examine the relationship between the church and...

Rough Notes on Secularism, Democracy and Human Progress, Part 1

Image by Olivander, used under creative commons license. Secularism and democracy are legacies worth fighting for, because they in union provide the...

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